Tuesday, 2 July 2019

New Moon Eclipse to Bring Terror To Some People

Today’s (2nd July 2019) new moon and total eclipse will bring about terror for some people and happiness for others.

Many have mistaken the positivity of the light. Like there is the light of the day, the darkness of the night also must come.

A reaping has to take place because of the wickedness done. 

On this here eclipse day the Reaper is to go out and reap, for the right people and me, because of:

Evil deeds done to us in front of us and behind our back

Lies spread about us from the source person/people

All kinds of spells directed at us

Every hindrance purposely sent our way

Everything stolen from us

All the money we should have received but we didn’t receive that belongs to us

Those who stole our energy life force for their benefit.

--- The people or beings who done this to us are all now ripe for reaping from this days new moon eclipse.

The Reaper, the son of man, roams the earth with his sickle.

You knew he was coming. I’ve mentioned him more than once this year.

For the genuine people, relax, justice is in motion. 

For the parasites, the darkness has arrived. The reaping begins.
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