Sunday, 7 July 2019

Hidden Message Right In Our Face

For the last few years a technology company has been sending us out a message to our face without us noticing.

It was revealed to me on the 7/7/2019 the message in the name.

On the 5th July, two days earlier, I watched a movie. One of the characters names was Louis Cypher.
Later on in the film a man realised that it was the play on hidden name Lucifer.
The man didn’t know he was working for Lucifer.

But what was revealed to me today is that the technology company Huawei has a hidden message to us all whether the company knew this or not. I wonder why Donald Trump doesn't like this company? Does he know something that we don't know?

The message is a question. The question is



Who are we?

It reminds me of the movie "They Live." When you put on the glasses you can see what others can't see.


We are waking up!

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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