Monday, 13 May 2019

Its Not What You Think - Eye In The Triangle

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From Friday the 3rd May for around 3 days I had unbelievable pain in my forehead. Not even the pain killers could help.

On the third day the pain got so bad that I closed my eyes. As my eyes were closed I could only see darkness.
Then I began to see something that was faded become clearer.
It was an eye in a triangle. It stayed in the centre of my mind.

On research, this is the Eye of Providence, also known as the Eye of God.

We have been brainwashed to think this is just an Illuminati or Freemason symbol.

It’s used by different people around the world.

The first thing that came up in a google search was this:

“The Eye of Providence is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity.

I know that the eye of Horus is older than Christianity but the eye of Horus is different from the eye of Providence.

A week later just after midnight on the 13th May 2019 I flicked through the TV and saw that the Master of the Universe movie was on. There was 20 minutes left of the film before it finished.

The part where I started watching from was when a voice said

“The eye opens.”

Then the character Skeletor was affected by the eye as the eye opened and he changed. He said something about now he has the power of the universe. He then felt the universe from within his body.

I just found that part of the movie on youtube.

All this synchronicity. 

Why I flicked over the TV and saw that at that time is a coincidence? When the voice mentioned the eye opening, that surprised me so I kept on listening to what he was saying.

We’ll see if anything comes of this.

Also, a number of people throughout the past 2 weeks or so have also been feeling that they were going to die and their life is over.

I'm believing that some kind of death vibration shift happened and is ending... and another dimension wave is beginning something new.

Fix Society
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