Monday, 22 April 2019

Vision: I Saw People Flying

This is something I had no intention to post. The only reason why I posted it will be revealed at the end.

The very next day after I posted “Pope is a Devil” I had a strange experience. This happened on the 20th April 2019.

While I was feeling pain again in my chest I heard words telling me to drive to the Tesco store. I didn’t want to go as the pain was strong and I had no need to go to the store. I ignored what was said for a while but kept on getting prompted to go.

I eventually forced myself to get in the car. I started driving and then heard words saying, 

“Turn off the radio.” 

As it was quiet I heard words that said 

“Don’t fear death.” 

As soon as I heard that I had a vision. I saw people flying up into the sky. Even though it was getting dark in the evening, in the vision I could see it was a sunny day. The people never had wings. I saw many of them floating up into the sky.

I have no idea why that was shown to me. I wasn’t thinking about anything like that.

I found this picture online. This looked similar to what I saw.

When I got to Tesco, as I picked up a couple of items, there was no indication why I had to come to Tesco. I left confused. I then thought it must have been about the vision. I don’t understand why I couldn’t be shown it in my home. Trying to mask the pain as I walked around the shop was making me dizzy.

After I saw that vision on Saturday I said to myself I am not posting this online. Then on the 22nd April, two days later, I switched the TV on. I flicked through a couple of channels and the first film I saw had a man flying through the air on a horse. I thought to myself what are the chances of that happening?

These are some caps from the movie.

I checked what film this was and it is Clash of the Titans the 1981 version.

After I saw that I felt this was a sign to post what I saw in my vision. If I never saw that part in the movie when I did I was not going to share this post.

Like most of the things I post, maybe it will have some significance and mean something in days to come.

I cannot explain my life. People can’t feel and see what I go through but they will make their own inaccurate assumption about me.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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