Tuesday, 9 April 2019

My Prediction Came True - Be a Giant and Beat Your Devils

Now It’s Your Move...

Stay with this post. Don’t miss the message that will be revealed.

On 2nd January 2019 I posted my prediction for what I felt 2019 was going to be about.

That day I decided to check on the Elite Ice Hockey League table. Then it came to me to say that,

 this is a year for the Giants

I took this as the theme for many people who were the underdog and who were in need to overcome the demons and devils in their life this year. The devils that were to be overcome were represented by the Cardiff Devils.

On the 2nd January 2019 I coded into my post the belief that the Belfast Giants would win the league. I wrote:

You stood and took all what your enemy threw at you and now you have grown into a giant and will not take no more crap.
This time you giants will beat those devils that come at you and they will have to surrender and be punished.”

In that same post I said:

“The giant represents you so stomp your way through 2019 like a giant boss saying "I'm Never Scared." This is not for those who are trouble makers but those who were treated badly.”


After I made that New Year prediction I saw the Cardiff Devils points go up and up to the point I thought to myself, The Giants are highly unlikely to win the league now as the points gap is so big that it looks like the Cardiff Devils cannot be caught as they became unstoppable.

Fast forward from 2nd January to Sunday 31st March 2019, the very last day of the EIHL league games. The Giants played and won their final league game on the 30th March so whatever the Devils did was out of the Giants control. On the 31st March the Devils played their last game and only needed 1 point to win the league title.

To everyone’s surprise the Devils got severely burnt by the Coventry Blaze. The Devils lost 1 - 3. (The number 1 and 3 shows up again. 13. I mentioned this number in my Super Bowl interpretation. The Blaze and the Devils score could have been anything 1-5, 2-3, 6-0, but 1 and 3, (13) show up again).
This gave an unexpected league title victory to the Belfast Giants. The Giants and the Devils finished on the exact same points but the Giants won top spot. My prediction was right!

 So the moral of this story is, even when your situation looks like you won’t be able to win, do all what is asked of you. When you don’t give up but fulfil your part you may get an incredible surprise that turns out in your favour in an amazing way.

This has been happening to me this year at different times. I should have given up but decided to fulfil my part in situations and amazingly things turned around in my favour. My spirit stood like a giant and done what I needed to do.

So if you are going through something that you feel like giving up on, just fulfil your part and see what happens. The biggest problem is when people give up when they shouldn’t have because victory was waiting for them when they just fulfilled their part.

If you are the provoker e.g. one of the devils and demons, you are going to lose, especially those who are my enemies. Just like the Coventry Blaze incinerated the Devils chance to win the title for the third year in a row, your efforts to defeat me will backfire and your defeat will come about by the hands of someone else shutting you down unexpectedly and not by me. So while you focus on me, you can’t see the Blaze that is ready to take you out completely by the hands of those you were not expecting to conquer you.

To all the provokers of the people who want harmony, you need to change your focus and stop trying to destroy peaceful people or else you will find yourself being taken down by someone you didn’t realise was watching you.

For those who want peace, your spirit has to stand up bold and strong like a giant now. No more will you let the things people say or do to you have power over you. They could be family members or other people around you that have evil intentions towards you, or what society is promoting for you to accept what is not right. All their words and actions are little devils. Stomp that devil word they say out so they cannot affect you anymore.


Then go stomp on some more devils until all your enemies are gone. You cannot keep letting your devils bully you. It’s time for the underdog to win. It’s now time for your spirit to stand big and strong as a giant. It's time for you to win.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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Super Bowl LIII Interpretation 2019

Prediction for 2019 on Jan 2 2019

In Need of Love, Passion, Romance and Harmony

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