Wednesday, 2 January 2019

I predicted 2018 Pretty Good - What I sense for 2019?

It’s the 2nd January 2019. Happy New Year.

At the end of 2017 I said I could sense a strong wave that was more about feminine energy flooding in for 2018. Last year certainly was female dominated. I had no idea about the suffragettes 100 year anniversary being in 2018. Ive never heard of it until later in 2018.

We also had the explosive news coverage about Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Brett Kavanaugh and the other rapes he was supposed to have been involved with.
It was a strong outpouring of female anger in 2018. If the accusations were true then the anger was justified.
What many people did not know was that one of the women accusing him of rape later came out and said she lied. This did not make a big story on mainstream news. Here is the link so you can read what she said.

That’s so nasty to say lies about someone just because you had an agenda.

That is why I say to listen or even share my track called “It’s That Man Again.” Click on this link
 Its about not believing everything you hear in the media and jumping on a false narrative.

So what do I sense for 2019?

I sense a turnaround. If I am right, if you have had people giving you problems or spreading lies about you, then this should be the year of the turnaround. Like I said, this is what I am sensing. So this could be a good year for those who suffered unfairly at the hands of people who should have known to leave you alone.

And for the ones who were speaking negatively or falsely about people who were not troubling them, then they should be in for a bad year. 

They had so many opportunities to do the right thing but now the time is up and it’s time for them to reap what they sowed.


While they were focusing so much on you they couldn’t see what was coming for them from the north, east, south and west.

So I am sensing (and I hope I am right) that the theme for this year for those who were the underdog or those who people attacked for no reason, is, stomp like giants all through 2019 saying “I’m Never Scared.” 

It's the turnaround year!  

You stood and took all what your enemy threw at you and now you have grown into a giant and will not take no more crap.
This time you giants will beat those devils that come at you and they will have to surrender and be punished.

Check out this video representing the power you should have in 2019. (I just noticed that the video is 4:02 minutes long. There's that number 42 again. The reaping and justice number. Coincidence?) The giant represents you so stomp your way through 2019 like a giant boss saying "I'm Never Scared." This is not for those who are trouble makers but those who were treated badly.

And to end on another positive note, I received this message on a music site I am on:

I've been checking out your website and music, it's all fab. I especially like "He Sold His Soul To The Devil". I wish for you that, with every year, you achieve all of your dreams. May God pour love and care on you. Happy New Year."


Happy New Year to you all from

2019 theme:
Stomp Like a Giant Boss
It's the turnaround year!


Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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