Saturday, 1 October 2016

UPDATE - Number 616 Incredible Meaning

Since I posted “Number 616 What Does It Mean?” an astonishing revelation has happened.

[If this is the first time you are reading one of my posts then I suggest you read my others, especially the ones about Euro2016 and you will realise I keep getting unexpected strange revelations]

From what has come to my attention, it's now revealed that 616 is a historic date in more ways than one.

Shimon Peres, the former Israeli Prime Minister died on 28th September 2016. 

According to  he was “the LAST surviving founding father of the modern state of Israel.

It also says he was involved with 70 years in public service. His funeral was held on the day of the rare Black Moon on 30th September 2016.

On 24th September 2016, four days BEFORE Shimon Peres died was when I posted “Number 616 What Does It Mean?” It is important to mention that he was the LAST of those to form the modern day Israel. No one else who was involved with that arrangement is alive.


In 1952, when talking about the Jews who live in Israel right now, the then President of Egypt Gamal Abdul Nasser said, 

The Europeans claiming to be Jews, are nothing more than 'Hebrew speaking Gentiles.”  “ …you left here black but came back white. We cannot accept you.”

 The black people who Gamal Abdul Nasser was referring to were taken to be slaves in the US and other parts of the world. That was part of these specific black people's 400 year curse.

According to the first slaves to arrive in the US was in 1616. mentions, “Slaves were first brought to Bermuda in 1616.”

Bermuda at that time was controlled by the English (keep this in mind).

As you can see the number 616 is present in the date, but that’s not all.


The new Jewish year begins on 3rd October 2016. This begins the New Year 5777. (At the time of writing, we are in the year 5776)

Throughout our lives we have seen the number 777 as being a lucky number or “hitting the jackpot.” So throughout the year 777 could possibly be a good year for a number of people.


That leads me to another significant date. Remember it’s the 3rd October 2016 that starts the new Jewish year. Three days later is the date that the curse of the black people who were slaves (the real Jews) ends 10 6 16 (US Date). 6th October 2016. The number 616 again. That would make the date look like 1616 with the zero removed. 

This is the year the real black Jews (African American, West Indian and others scattered around the globe) were recorded as being slaves. 

That would make 1616 to 2016, 400 years. 

The curse ends on 6th October 2016. This is why there is uproar like never before about the killings of unarmed black people.

Also, as I said to keep in mind that the English controlled slavery in Bermuda in 1616, in October in England is Black History Month. The same month the curse ends!

Can all of this be a coincidence?

UK Music Producer

NEW POST: "616 - The 400 Year Curse Ends" Click Here

UPDATE 21st September 2023

If you want to know more about the historic information about black people, go get my book. Yes I wrote a book called Revealed At Last
I shared other subjects about life in the book for all colours but I wrote ONE specific chapter called "Black People, The Bible And Real History."
An elderly pastor read it and was shocked with what I revealed.

Get your copy of Revealed At Last at this link today. My book cannot be bought anywhere else apart from this website.

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© 2016 K STONE UK Music Producer

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