Friday, 14 October 2016

Doctor Strange, 616 and the Key

 It took me a while to think of where to start to write this post.

On 13th October 2016 I was walking past the local cinema. There were posters outside promoting movies that are screening and coming soon. One of the posters caught my attention so much that I stopped. I took a picture of it as I wanted to remember to find out what the film was about. The film is called “Doctor Strange.”   

I went online and searched more about it. To my surprise I saw a link say “Stephen Strange (Earth 616).” You can click here to see the link.  

I did not read that entire page but found what I read interesting. It’s about the character Doctor Strange. Also, there’s that number again, 616.

What are the odds of that happening? Out of all the posters I saw, I was drawn to that one and it led me to the number 616 yet again.

 Here's the trailer

In the trailer a female says to Doctor Strange, “You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your life trying to widen it.

It was only the day before that I shared a dream I had with some friends. In my dream I was given a gold key. It was like an old antique gold key shaped a little like one of the queens jewels. What a coincidence with “keyhole” mentioned in the trailer?

More weirdness

As I started to write this post, I flicked through the TV channels and on the TV they are showing the movie “Knowing” again (film mentioned in a previous post). This time it’s on the Movie Max channel.

As I was finishing off writing this blog I was listening to random music. Then all of a sudden I heard the words "Doc Strange." I had to rewind and then look online for the lyrics to see if I heard right. I did. The track was by Black Rob titled "Whoa." 

The lyrics in that line are, "Now I'm Doc Strange in the Range like whoa."

2 coincidences here. Firstly, the mention of Doctor Strange. Secondly, I was in a store called "The Range" this week! Its probably only the 2nd or 3rd time I've been in that store this year. Click to see the store.

I'm still baffled by the Euro 2016 and the 616 posts and what they revealed. I have no idea what’s happening or why these things keep being made known to me. I'm just trying to get my music out there lol.

Uk Music Producer

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