Monday, 10 October 2016

WOW – This is insane - Another bizarre coincidence - Is the fictitious war ready to become a reality?

 Is the fictitious war ready to become a reality?

US and Russia ready for war

One month ago on the 8th September 2016 I posted More Weirdness! DEFCON 4 - What Is About To Happen?

See that post click here.

It’s about a DVD I bought that had a film that was not the same as the DVD cover or on the DVD disc label. The movie on the DVD turned out to be DEFCON 4. This is a film I had no intention on watching and I would not have bought it if I did see it on the shelf.

Now one month later, on the 8th and 9th October 2016 I see these videos with REAL military spokesmen from the US and Russia talking of the scenario building up to what was in the film DEFCON 4. As you can imagine, I was shocked.

Video 1 - US Military Spokesperson

Video 2 - Russian Military Spokesperson

Video 3. US personnel talking about Russian troops coming home in body bags and Russian cities getting attacked

In the movie, the US fire a missile into Russia and it starts a nuclear world war. In REAL LIFE, in the first video, the US military spokesman is speaking like he is ready for war and brags about beating any enemy.

In the second video with the Russian representative, he talks about responding to an attack if the Russian troops are fired on while helping the civilians in Syria.

If you didn’t know, Russia recently held a drill with 40 million of its citizens! Who does that if there is no threat of war?

I also came across a video with a man claiming, "If it looks like Trump is going to win to become president, the US will start a war with Russia." (Don’t forget the US is in a ridiculous amount of debt too).

Again I got to stress that I got the first information about this situation from a fictitious movie I had NO intention on watching. Back then, I went to check the DEFCON rating. It was at the level of DEFCON 5 which means there are no nuclear threats. But today as I am writing this post, I went to check the level and it was at DEFCON 4! The same level as the name of the movie. Coincidence?

I didn’t watch all of the second debate between Trump and Clinton, but what I did see was that Trump looked way more stronger than he did in the first debate. So if it looks like Trump is going to win, look out US, Russia and the world. We could be about to see a war begin.

At this present time, the only outcome I can see, if or after some kind of war takes place, is the beginning of the New World Order that they have talked about for years.

If you think the weird coincidences mean something, then it would seem to be a good idea to get some canned food and water prepared even if you only have enough for a few days. Five days of supplies is better than having nothing at all.

I am not saying that a war is going to happen within days. I have no idea when or if it will happen. It's a good idea to always have at least 5 days of food and water available at all times.

If the Russian, German and other governments are preparing their citizens to stock up on food and water, what do they know? Some US citizens have done their own preparation but others are oblivious to how serious other parts of the world are taking the possibility of a world war. 

I hope no war happens. I hope I am wrong. But so far, with the weird coincidences I have shared so far none can be classed as being wrong.

See the original DEFCON 4 post I made one month before this post was written. Click Here 

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