Tuesday, 16 April 2019

My Death is Around The Corner?

A lot happened in 24 hours.
I was in so much pain on the 15th April.
The ambulance took me to the hospital.
Test were done. They couldn’t find the cause.
(This is usual for people who experience things from the spirit world; unexplained causes of illness or pain).

I don’t know if I am interpreting the signs correctly as I am so tired. Signs are that I am going to die soon but I don’t know if I have worked that out properly to be true.

Me dying doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I’ve done more than I could have imagined in my life. This life is like a dream. You wake up when your body dies and see the real world outside your flesh.

Listen to this example

Right now, the atmosphere and everything feels unusual and different. Really strange. Feels similar to when my mother died.

If I do die, dump all my belongings, and my family are to receive nothing that belongs/belonged to me. Nothing at all.

If you don’t see a post from me in some time, it means I'm not here anymore.


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