Friday, 19 April 2019

Pope Is A Devil

This is another post that needs to be read to the end as the outcome may leave you speechless.
I began to prepare this post before I ended up in hospital. I wondered if I was given so much trauma and unbelievable pain so I couldn’t let you see this. I can usually interpret signs through things that show up to me.

First of all, in my post called “My Prediction Came True – Be a Giant and Beat Your Devils” the devils were represented by the Cardiff Devils.

A few weeks ago I was watching the Cardiff Devils play. As they played I noticed the number 42 on the back of one of the players’ shirts. The players name is Pope. I didn’t think anything of it for a few days. Then I decided to put a search in Google to find out who this player is.

In the search I saw a link that stood out. It said “Pope is a Devil.” (Disclaimer. This has nothing to do with the team the Cardiff Devils or the player in the way this post is going. The Cardiff Devils are a great team) Keep on reading.

Cardiff Devils Logo 

That title stayed in my head for a few days then it hit me.

1. The number 42 is something regular readers know that I worked it out to be the end of arrogant boasting and the time for justice.

2. The Pope

3. The name and number is on the shirt of a Devil.

Put it altogether and does it look like we got a pre warning on what is to be revealed? The Pope is a Devil?

Q. Where are the Cardiff Devils based?

A. Wales.

In 2016 in the Euro 2016 football tournament I showed that Wales represented the red dragon that is mentioned in Revelation 12.

Q. What is on the Welsh flag?

A. A red dragon.

So you have the red dragon and the devil and the name Pope all linked to Cardiff, Wales, the home of the Devils.

In my Super Bowl 2019 interpretation I said that I wondered if the numbers 13 and 42 meant anything in time to come as both these numbers appeared in the Super Bowl and the playoffs.

In the Elite Ice Hockey League in Great Britain, 2 teams dominated the league. The Cardiff Devils won the playoffs, and the Belfast Giants won the Challenge Cup, the league title and the conference. In total, the Devils 1 and 3 to the Giant’s in this season’s silverware. Put together, the number 13 is seen in the same season the number 42 shows up on a Devils shirt with the name Pope on it. Think about it, the ice hockey player Pope could have played for a different team and had any other number on his back 10, 15, 63, 28 any number but it happened to be the number I have been pointing out since last year. If the ice hockey player wasn’t wearing 42 all what I am showing you would be irrelevant.

Back to Super Bowl 2019 in February where I mentioned the numbers 13 and 42.

The New England Patriots played against the LA Rams.

I gave a run down on the explanation of the ram. I even said back then in February that maybe it would be revealed who this ram/lamb with the horns could be that is talked about in Revelation 13.

 Is it a coincidence that it was revealed recently to me “Pope is a Devil” and the zodiac sign when it is being revealed is in Aries? (20th March – 20th April).  Guess what the symbol for Aries is. A ram.

 Coincidence or not? Read on.

 On the 15th /16th April 2019 is when I had the pains and was taken into hospital. It was the same day that the Catholic cathedral in Notre Dame was burning.

 Before the cathedral was on fire I saw that link for “Pope is a Devil.” After I saw that I saw this bizarre behaviour from the Pope. Check it out for yourself.

The Pope kisses the feet of former opposing warlords. This happened on 11th April 2019. This MAKES NO SENSE.

These warlords are NOT at war with each other. They signed a peace agreement in 2018. So for the Pope to kiss their feet when they are not even fighting, makes no sense. It’s like someone kissing Theresa May’s and Donald Trump’s feet for peace but they are not even at war with each other. It’s a gesture of what?

Do your own research. Type “Kiss ones feet” into a search engine and see what comes up.

The Free Dictionary says it means

“To grovel or otherwise try to gain favour.”

Was there something else going on behind the scene that we don’t know about yet, for the real reason the Pope had to kiss these men and lady’s feet in humiliation for the world to see? Is it what I have been saying since last year about the number 42, an end to boasting and now justice? Surely an elderly man (the Pope is 82) should not be getting on the floor and kissing anyone’s feet. Would you? As the dictionary explains, is he groveling? Why?


1. My Super Bowl 2019 interpretation mentions a beast, a lamb with horns mentioned in Revelation 13 (the ram lamb) and the La Rams were in the Super Bowl.

2.  I see the link “Pope is a Devil”

3. The Pope bizarrely kisses the feet or warlords who are not even at war (That don’t make sense)

4. Six days later and the Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire.

5. Numbers 2-4 and 7 all happened in the sign of Aries. The ram.

6. I’ve just seen that the element for Aries is Fire (fire at Notre Dame).

7. I just remembered that the Coventry Blaze burnt away Cardiff Devils hope to win the title and become champions again. The Belfast Giants won the title.

All these events happened within one month in quick succession in the sign of the ram. Coincidence?

What gets even weirder is that they say the crown of thorns that Jesus wore and part of the cross he was crucified on was rescued from being in the fire? Huh? Let’s just say the crown of thorns and the wood from the cross is real. What is it doing on French soil and why does/did that cathedral have it? Do these relics have some kind of power coming from them? Why still have them?

Are the Pope and the Catholic religion under judgment right now? 42? Will more devastating things happen concerning the Pope and the Catholic religion in days to come?

I still wonder if the numbers 13 and 42 will show up in a significant way again.

Today 19/04/19 is Good Friday, the day of the full moon and the day of crucifixion.

As I am finishing this post the TV is on BBC 2 and an old movie called “The Robe” is on. It’s about the robe that Jesus wore as he just got crucified. The robe had power that freaked some people out. That made me think of Doctor Strange’s robe relic and the power of his robe. I wonder if the Roman Catholics still have Christs robe somewhere and use it in some way.

 In the film The Robe, a man just went mad at one of the Roman soldiers and blamed the Romans for killing Christ.

As we know in history, the Roman Empire collapsed. I was wondering, with what is happening to the Pope, the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral and the terrible scandals of the Roman Catholic Priests being revealed (click here to see the BBC news report ) I was wondering if all this is bringing the collapse of the Roman Catholic organization? The number 42, the end of boasting and the time for justice?

If it is that time, what better day for 42, justice, to be declared to begin than today? Good Friday, the day the Romans are said to have killed Jesus. The day of the crucifixion. The day of the full moon in Aries the ram.

What is even more significantly spooky is this.

I looked at today’s date and noticed something. Add up today’s date and what do you get? Why this day? Why this number?


19+4+19= 42

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

P.S. This is my track called “He Sold His Soul To The Devil”. The words flew into the back of my head and I wrote everything down and made it rhyme. It is a message for the world to hear. A former member of a multi-platinum album selling group contacted me and said the song is true.

Listen for yourself. Go to this link

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