Wednesday, 29 May 2019

The Darkness is Losing Power - Started May 2019

Some people around the world are noticing a highly positive energy over the past few days. In the UK something is happening too.

I noticed in 2018 “something out there” had to keep many people’s vibration in the UK low.

In 2018 when England was doing well in the World Cup football tournament in Russia I noticed the panic on Theresa May’s face. I wondered why she was not happy that the team was doing better than expected. She even advised England NOT to take part in the World Cup in Russia but the England team ignored her. The team reached the semi-finals for the first time in a number of years. The nation was on such a high.

Theresa May said ministers and the Royal family would not be going to Russia for the World Cup because of the poisoning in England that Russia was blamed for. See Link

The poisoning situation kept vibrations very low as it was constantly on the news for weeks. When England’s football team was playing and progressing, people started to be on a high. Theresa May could not control the county’s excitement.

Now fast forward to 2019. The two main parties, the Conservative Party (Theresa May’s party) and the Labour Party, both got a shock as the Brexit Party won in most parts of the UK in May 2019.

Another reason why I mention success in sport affecting panic for the government but joy for the people is, recently the GB ice hockey team was given praise from a number of countries around the world for staying in the top flight. The outpouring of congratulations to the GB team can be seen all over social media. No-one was expecting that.

Also four English teams made it in two different top flight European finals. Chelsea and Arsenal in the Europa League final on 29th May, and Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur make it to the biggest European final, the Champions League final on the first day of the month in June. The two finals are played three days apart.

So there are two highly energetic vibration celebrations going to happen within a few days of each other. In the Europa League final there will be celebrations based in London because that is where both Arsenal and Chelsea’s home stadiums are (also London is where the head of politics in the country is based).

In the Champions League final Tottenham Hotspur’s brand new stadium is also based in London. Whether Tottenham win or lose, their fans are going to be celebrating as they haven’t been this far in the competition before. In both finals there will be high energy vibes happening in London, throughout the UK and spreading around the world as it is watched around the world.

It sounds great right? Now for the bad news that I hope doesn’t happen. When the UK is on a high, COINCIDENTALLY, sometimes some damn horrible event happens. If this does happen within the next week or two then we are safe to say that this is no coincidence but “someone out there” has to keep the citizens on a low vibration. Let’s pray nothing bad happens.


TAKE NOTE what happens in May 2019.

1. The GB Ice Hockey team do the impossible. (High Energy Vibration)

2. Two English teams, Chelsea and Arsenal play in the Europa league final. (High Energy Vibration)

3. The ruling Party in the UK gets a crushing blow (Theresa May’s Party) (High Energy Vibration)

4. Theresa May resigns as Prime Minister.

Did Theresa May’s resignation come because of too much positive vibrations being raised around the world and by the UK citizens? Will we see in the next few days some kind of tragic news of a so called “attack” in the UK? Again I say, pray or meditate that this doesn’t happen.
In conclusion

 Those who read my interpretations concerning the Russia World Cup posts in 2018 about the man with the sickle in his hand ready to reap, does it look like the reaping has begun in May 2019?

Question: What do people reap with a sickle?
Answer: A harvest.

Question: What does the name Theresa mean?
Answer: from

“Teresa generally believed to be derived from the Greek therizein (to reap, to gather) and thus takes the definition of “Harvester.”

Question: What month did Theresa May resign as Prime Minister?
Answer: May, as is her last name.

Is this the sign that the sickle has gone out to reap (the removal) around the world for a certain type of people, and it  has begun in May 2019?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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 This link is the 2018 interpretation of the World Cup in Russia. It’s deeper than you could imagine.

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