Thursday, 6 June 2019

The Unusual Tiredness – What’s Going On?

On the 4th June 2019 I asked in a group if anyone else felt tired.

Just 20 hours later over 1.4 thousand reactions and 951 comments made me realise it wasn’t a silly question. 

From the hundreds of comments, I saw other people found this tiredness extremely unusual too.

There were people who said they have felt this unexpected tiredness for the last few days just like I have but on the 4th June it was so overwhelming.

Some were wondering if it was because of the new 5G technology that was switched on in a number of countries.

In the UK 5G was switched on on the 30th May 2019, just 8 DAYS AGO! Did it affect us or is this just a coincidence?

Some people mentioned the tiredness could be because of the chem trails.

Some said it could be because of what the Schumann Resonances recorded. Apparently the earth’s frequency has been at 7.83Hz for a number of years.

A person said in a group:

“Since 2014 it (the frequency) started to rise hitting such highs as 30Hz from 7.83Hz to 30Hz is a huge jump… here lately in 2019 it’s gone all the way up to 84Hz. That’s huge!”

7 days ago on the 31st May I said in a post that I saw an unusual rainbow colour through a gap in the cloud. Could this be related to the tiredness?

This is the link to the post on Facebook click here

Maybe this was a trigger for the tiredness and weakness to happen as they turned up the frequency over a number of days?

It’s a good idea to look more often in the sky and watch if the sky or clouds look unusual... and if you do see something odd take a picture if you can.

There could be a pattern to what is happening.

Whatever is going on it has made people curious. Is this the start of a great awakening?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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