Friday, 21 June 2019

Not Again! Part of my Dream Shows up in Men In Black 4

There was something missing when I posted

My Dream Concerning Anthony Joshua’s Defeat Came True,” on the 13th June 2019.

What was missing was the shape of the gold object that I held in my hand that had the two accelerator pedals.

The VERY NEXT DAY on the 14th June 2019 the new Men In Black movie was released. I was shocked when I saw the object in the film. It looked EXACTLY like in my dream but the one I held was gold. I had that dream over a year ago.

I recreated the object the best I could last year, but what I saw in MIB was exactly like it.

Here is what I tried to recreate over a year ago. I couldn't get the slant or the pedals correct in my picture so I tried to put something as close to what I could come up with.

This is what was in the MIB 4 movie. 

It has 2 pedals exactly how they were in my dream. Have you seen anything like this before? I haven’t. The object could have had 1 or 3 or more pedals in the movie but it had the same as what I saw in my dream.

When the man pressed the pedal down with his foot it took them into a secret place.
So almost all of what was in that dream last year has been seen in this world.

The part in the dream of not having to worry about money anymore and the inheritance is still to materialise.

Could the sign that the pedal has been pressed mean a process has now begun?

The manifestation of the dream is almost complete. 

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook 

This is the MIB trailer. A saying in this movie that I can agree with is when he says:

"The universe has a way of leading you to where you are supposed to be at the moment you're supposed to be there."

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