Saturday, 29 June 2019

Are Females Now OFFENDED by being called FEMALES?

I’ve had an interesting comment left on a post I made on Facebook.

Recently I posted this which is true but also hilarious: 

Then a few minutes later a female posted this comment:

"if men want to meet women I suggest they make the world a lot safer and stop calling women who want equal rights under the law....nazis

also, instead of lecturing women, how about you lecture men to stop using our private body parts we brought you into the world with, as the lowest insult in the English language - that might help l ighten up the atmosphere

I could suggest a long list of things men could do to make women WANT to go out more.....but it's pretty obvious and since you are dishing out advice to us like you knwo it all, then you do already know so off you go and don't let me slow you down on your quest to

btw calling women "females" is what you do to an call female humans WOMEN....not females like you are talking about livestock or a dog.....just a suggestion that ya might want to address us with a llittle respect so we LIKE going out

we used to.....what do you think happened....the mens movement, a war on women perhaps.....say it aint so

none of you got here other than through us so I suggest you show some respect among yourselves and see how we the meantime . you can stop prodding us like goats you are herding.....kay"

If this is how most modern females think today then there is a problem. YES there are men who have treated woman terribly but that is not all men, and some women have treated men badly too. Unfortunately, that's life for some people.

According to this female, are men calling women “Nazis?” Well not me.

She said 

“I could suggest a long list of things men could do…” 

but could she write a long list about the good things about men?

Can you believe that I had to go check the dictionary to see if the definition of a female had changed? 

This is what is in Websters.

“made up of usually adult members of the female sex”
“characteristic of girls, women, or the female sex”
“designed for or typically used by girls or women”
Nothing about being "prodded like a goat."

Is being called a female, if you are a woman, really offensive in 2019?

Where is all this nonsense coming from?

As for the rest of single females who want to be in a relationship, if you want to be with a man in this day and age, if he hasn’t seen you to approach you, go up to him and speak to him.

Sitting in your home alone complaining that you are single day after day getting older and older isn’t going to help.

If you see someone you like, go talk to him. All this equality means, you can equally go and speak to a male that you are interested in. He may well be interested in you too. If you are thinking that, traditionally, men approach women…, well "girl power" kicked that notion out years ago. 

Traditional values have somewhat almost gone and only held by a number of people.

If you are interested in a man say something. Go up to him. The worst he can say is no… but he might say yes to your interest. 

If he says no there are another 2 billion plus other adult males on the planet.

As the saying goes “see something say something” can now be for women, “see a man, say something.”

Just by you going out of your house and taking that chance could lead to something simple like sitting in a park or a pub having an interesting conversation. See it as fun to approach the guy you like.

If you are a female and you agree or disagree with what I have said, say something. That’s how you get your answers.

And if this helps you and you end up with a man, you can thank me later.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

 This is my "meeting for the first time" track called I Love You Zone. Listen to it at this link

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