Sunday, 16 June 2019

Mystery Unraveling - Raptors Rapture and 616

This is what has happened recently. 

See how one thing links to another.  

On 13th June 2019 Toronto Raptors won the NBA finals 4-2 over the Golden State Warriors.

Raptor has a few meanings:

1. A raptor is a bird of prey
2. Before it came to be used for these birds, raptor meant "abductor," from its Latin meaning, "robber, plunderer, or abductor," from rapere, "to seize."

Also a raptor comes from the name Velociraptor which is a dinosaur.

The first two meanings together can be seen as a bird that is a robber, a thief, that carries away what it has taken.

As I was looking for an article on the game I came across this headline written by the Indiana Gazette. "Raptors' Rapture."

This is what the word Rapture means:

“Rapture is a feeling of emotional ecstasy so magical it's almost as if you've been transported to some other world.
Coming to us from an old French word meaning "carried away," rapture certainly involves getting swept off to Shangri-La. It's happiness so extreme that you just about float to heaven, complete with big goofy grin plastered to your face.”

While researching the word rapture I came across this Simpsons clip. Even though the Simpsons is a cartoon, it is written by knowledgeable men and women. I randomly picked a writer from the Simpsons by the name of Nell Scovell. She went to Harvard College. Think about it, she went to one of the top colleges in the world to then write scripts in a cartoon? Uneducated people don't write for the Simpsons. The writers of the show have also made predictions that have come true. (Look on youtube for those videos.)

This is what the Simpsons say about the rapture:

Continues here

One of the characters says,

“It’s the rapture. The virtuous have gone to heaven and the rest of us have been left below.”

I’m only saying what I see.

On the 12th June 2019 I posted about noticing the date 6/16 (616) was coming on Sunday.

I checked online and found another meaning. It said

616 apokueó
Meaning:  to give birth to,
I bring forth, give birth to (a child), a medical or physical word, marking the close of pregnancy.”

In my post about the Champions League Final I mentioned the woman who gives birth to the man child. The meaning I found not only means to give birth but also marking the close of the pregnancy. I wrote about this recently without knowing that the date 6/16 was coming up.

I went to check what Simpsons episode that was about the rapture and saw that it was season 16 episode 19. It’s like today's date. Day of the month 16, year 2019.

The date that I am posting this blog is on the16/6/19 - 6/16/19 (US date). Is this date significant to the other realm declaring that this day marks the close of the woman’s pregnancy and the beginning of something new?

I am just saying what I see. If this date means something we will see.

As I was about to end this post, I saw that Tyson Fury won his fight, UK time 6/16 (6/15 US time). 

I saw this video.

The first 14 seconds caught my attention.

Again, another sports star at the top of his game, along with Tottenham Hotspur player Lucas Moura, Liverpool’s goalkeeper Alisson and Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp all mentioning Jesus Christ.

I worked out that belief in Jesus Christ meant that, at some point, people will become immortal and not die. If that's the case then evil entities and wicked people can finally be removed off this planet.

Fix Society
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