Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Justice! In less than 24 hours what I posted has come true

Justice! In less than 24 hours what I posted has come true.

That was fast!

Yesterday on the 16th July 2019 I released a song called 

“I’ve Woken Up Incredible”

at this link

In the track I wrote,

“The giant hammer of justice has come.”

Less than 24 hours later I see online that El Chapo was given a life sentence plus 30 years.

You may say “yes that is big justice” because this billionaire drug lord has been caught and sentenced.

But why this is so big is because I saw somewhere that since his capture El Chapo, if this is true, has been mentioning the names of US politicians and other people he was involved with. 

That’s huge!

As he has given these names is it possible that he will be called to testify against them? I don’t know if a prisoner can testify but who knows what will happen? Will his sentence get reviewed and reduced if he testifies against them?

So less than 24 hours and the hammer of justice has come.

Remember it was last year I began talking about the old Russian flag with the hammer and sickle. Now you can see that it was a sign that the giant hammer of justice and reaping has come.

Who could be next and how soon?

Again something I have said has come true in a short space of time.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

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