Thursday, 11 July 2019

DREAM: New Earth Forming Now

This is a dream I had on the 5th July 2019. I wasn’t going to share it until I saw this video that showed two spider like clouds on the 10th July.  This made me realise I had to share my dream.

See the quick 13 seconds video at this link and listen to what she says.

The dream began with me walking up the stairs in my home. I saw a spider splattered on the stairs then another one squashed dead on another step. I thought this was odd.

I continued up the stairs and saw two people in my home. I didn’t know who they were but it seemed (in the dream) that they were supposed to be there.

One of them was trying to kill another spider that was walking backwards and forwards. The spider had its back to me as it seemed to know I would not harm it. The person then stopped trying to kill it as I was there.

 I watched as the spider suddenly morphed a little tiny silver liquid mercury sword from one of its right legs and held it up like a crab’s claw.


The spider then threw the sword towards the person who was in front of it but the little sword landed about 12 inches (30cm) away from the spider.

Then the little sword morphed into liquid silver and transformed into a little silver elephant that was about 2 inches (5cm) high.

Then from the left side of the spider another sword morphed out of its leg that was in the air like a crab's claw and threw that one also which landed only about 12 inches in front of the spider.

The little sword morphed into another little elephant that was about 2 inches high. The two elephants stayed the colour of liquid silver.

Then (if I rightly remember) under the two tiny elephants a liquid silver base that was about 12 inches by 12 inches wide and flat appeared. Both elephants were inside the area of the 12 inch (30cm) x 12 inch (30cm) flat liquid silver surface that was on the floor in my home.

Then a tiny 2 inch tiger formed from out of the 12 x 12 flat silver surface, then another tiger appeared.  

Just after they appeared so did little buildings of different sizes and other miniature animals. The two other people and I just watched this peaceful little silver city morph form out of the 12 x 12 inch liquid silver base.

Little Silver City

Then a thought came to me that this symbolised a new earth. Then I woke up.


When I woke up I thought about it. As the little city was on the floor in my home I wondered if this meant the new earth begins its transformation from our homes. The new earth begins from the home and it is happening now.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

New K STONE track “I’ve Woken Up Incredible” out soon.

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