Sunday, 14 July 2019

Love Island is Horrible

Today I watched a show called “Love Island.” I saw an episode years ago but forgot what it was about. 

After watching this episode on the 14th July 2019, I have come to believe that the people engrossed by that show who watch it regularly could possibly be far away from a world/mindset than others and I.

The show was producing bad energy with horrible scenarios. 

The emotional heartbreak and low self worth feeling the contestants go through is brutal.

From seeing that episode, Love Island is energy pollution to the human body and mind. 

I won’t be watching that again in a hurry.

I think it was this year that a former contestant of the show committed suicide making them the second contestant who has died this way some time after the show.

While I was watching the show it felt like “energy parasites” eating away at my skin as I felt an uncomfortable tingle around my body.

 I’m not saying anyone who watches Love Island or the contestants are bad people. Everyone is entitled to watch whatever they want.

From my experience today, I would say some kind of “energy beings” are feeding off the viewers. It’s not a nice feeling at all as I can still feel it even after an hour after the show finished.

If people want to change the way they feel, I’d suggest being aware of the type of things you watch.

What you watch can affect the way you see life and how you respond to others.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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