Thursday, 25 July 2019

Federal Death Penalty Brought Back!


Is this a sign that the reaper is walking the earth like I said?
The US Attorney General William Barr has ordered the reinstatement of the federal death penalty.

There’s far more to this decision than we realise right now. We will see why later.

Even though this is in the US, is this sending out a sign to the world that the reaper, just as I had claimed, walks the earth now? He walks in the dimension that most people cannot see. I’m guessing that he will trigger people to change laws so the human traffickers, grotesque torturers and murderers get the death penalty.

The report may seem like it is just for those already on death row but I don't think so. I think this decision was triggered because of what is going to be revealed to the public about certain individuals.

More people are waking up now.

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