Thursday, 1 August 2019

Prince Harry, Racism, and the Unexpected Video

On 31st July 2019 I walked past the newspaper stand in Sainsbury’s and saw a headline with Prince Harry saying, 

“People are racist without even knowing it.”

The newspaper said:

PRINCE HARRY yesterday sparked a national debate by claiming people harbour racist views without knowing it. In a remarkably frank interview, the Duke of Sussex warned how “unconscious bias” passed through the generations led to prejudices that developed into racism.”

Even though I saw this article’s headline I had no intention of making a post about it.  

A few hours later, having forgotten what Harry had said, this video popped up on my news feed.

I thought it was odd that these two things came up on the same day. I don't usually pay attention to something unless it comes up more than once, so I decided to make this post.

Are these both another one of those seasonal "race in the media" "nothing is going to change" moments or is something happening?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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