Thursday, 1 August 2019

Your Awakening is Now! See Video

Things are moving so fast in the world. I can't keep up with what is happening concerning people becoming more awakened about what is really going on.

Recently I created a new action video for “I’ve Woken Up Incredible.”

Go to the link and watch it on youtube.

I created this video to give a visual explanation of what 2019 and beyond is about for people who are waking up. 

I said in January that this year is all about being a giant boss. Stomp on all the devils that hindered you in your mind or in your life. Its time you were bigger than what kept you down in the past.


In previous videos I have uploaded to youtube they have removed play views from my videos, and a lady told me that youtube would not let her like a video of mine even after trying more than once.

So go to youtube, give the video a thumbs up and see if it works.

PS. I’m not the only one on youtube that has their view count rolled back. A number of youtubers have realised this too and have also mentioned how their video views have been stuck and not going up even though they have thousands of subscribers. Ever since youtube banned my original video of “He Sold His Soul to the Devil For A Record Contract” I have been having my video count kept low even though that video hit over 33,000 plays in a short while. I noticed one video of my videos went to 50 views then the next day was rolled back to 25 views. I should have screen captured it but I didn’t realise it was going to happen.

So go and support this video.

Be above all what had been bothering you in the past and now be incredible.

Video on youtube

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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