Saturday, 7 October 2017

The Reverse of the Curse 7 10 2017


After I posted this picture on Facebook on the 4th October 2017 I was asked about it.

The date in the UK is different from the USA in the way it is written. In the UK we have day/month/year. The USA has MONTH/day/year. So the date in the UK will be 7th October 2017.

In numbers it is 7/10/2017.

When you read the date backwards, it reads the same forwards 7 1 0 2 0 1 7. If you read it from left to right and right to left it says the same date as if mirrored.

This had a connection to a dream I had about a week before about a curse being removed. In the dream two books were known to have been read. One read forwards and the other book read backwards. From what I remember about the dream the books were the same but read in opposite directions. 

How convenient with the timing of this dream I noticed this date can be read forwards and backwards to read as the same thing.

This sequence of numbers cannot happen in any other numerical pattern throughout the year.

Strange things are revealed to me at times that usually come true.

I have a strong belief that this day will remove a curse or curses from some people and return the curses to the person or people who sent the curse or curses.

The original sender cannot put a curse on that person again.
Fix Society
UK Music Producer
K STONE on Facebook 

Click picture for more info on the "I Saw Satan" EP

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