Monday, 30 October 2017

Wonder Woman is a GREAT PROPHETIC Sign - You won’t believe what I've found

If you have been reading my posts for some time you know I say things that usually have significant meaning for the present time or at a future date.
As I was writing this post more things were being revealed so I kept on typing.

 Get ready for this one!

I watched the movie Wonder Woman about two weeks ago (around 16th Oct 17). I only watched it as a friend mentioned it as something they wanted to see, so I watched it.

The film begins with a view of the world. Then the camera flies directly to France. I only want you to watch from 44 seconds to 1 min 23 seconds as that is what I am showing you. Those who have read my earlier posts may spot it straight away.

As the camera flies to France two points stick out, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. The camera ends its destination at the Louvre which is a glass pyramid.

For those who remember, I wrote a post on 20th July 2017 called “The Day I Grew Wings Like Angels Part 3.” (You can read it by clicking here).  In that post I wrote:

I saw a glass pyramid. It was in the air. Then it morphed into something that looked very similar to the Eiffel Tower.

Take another look at the video clip. You see the Eiffel Tower then the camera lands at the glass pyramid that was seen from the air.

In the video at the beginning it showed that Wonder Woman, in this present time, is living in France.

Now go back to my post in 2016.

With all the strange things I worked out about Euro 2016 I worked out that France represented the woman that was mentioned in Revelation chapter 12 (to see that post click here).

Revelation chapter 12 verse 1 says:

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

Can you see it in this verse? France represents the woman. There was a great wonder in heaven. What was it that was seen? It says it right there in that verse:

a great wonder in heaven; a woman.

A woman that is a wonder, Wonder Woman.

Remember from this moment on that the country France represents the woman, Wonder Woman.

If you did not know France did NOT win Euro 2016. Portugal won. So the emphasis is on the country France. The Euro 2016 tournament was held in France. The European Union has a flag with 12 stars. In other words, France (the woman) was given the honour, the crown of 12 stars, to host this European football tournament. Revelation 12 verse 1 mentions the woman with a crown of 12 stars.

This is the European Union Flag

In verse 5 it says the woman brought forth a man child.

And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

The scorer of the winning goal of the game was scored by Eder for Portugal.

I typed into google “Eder baby name” and this was the first thing that came up.

The name Eder is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Eder is: Flock. The biblical tower of Eder was built near Hebron as a watchtower shepherds watched their flocks from. Eder became a symbol of God's watchfulness over His people.

It says that Eder’s name means flock. In one of my Euro 2016 posts I wrote about this already. A broader meaning of the name flock means a large number of people. In Revelation 14 it talks about a large number of people - 144,000 (Eder).

On the 29th August 2017 I wrote about "The Mystery of The Pain in the Forehead?"
I came to the conclusion that the pain that lasted for around three weeks around the time of the eclipse in the USA was a number of people being sealed on their forehead. (To see that post click here).

In Revelation 7 and Revelation 14 the 144,000 were sealed in their forehead having his (the man child) father's name written in their foreheads.

So to put this into a simple form it reads,

The woman (France) brought forth a man child (Eder) who was taken up in celebratory fashion with cheers of victory; then at the time of the USA eclipse the man child had his flock (144,000) sealed on their forehead with his father’s name.

As I was writing this post something else occurred to me.

The eclipse in the USA falls in line with what I am about to show.

Matthew 24 and verse 29 says:

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light (eclipse 21st August 2017), and the stars shall fall from the heaven, (Draco the dragon meteor/star shower 7th October 2017) and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken,

How can all this be a coincidence? Of all the people who could have scored in the final in France was a player called Eder. All this could not have worked with any other name.


Now you can understand why “they” have hindered my video count. They seem to be unable (at this time) to shut my youtube down completely so they are hindering the view count. By me proving to you that they have stopped people from liking my youtube video and keeping my video count ridiculously low, by doing this they are telling you that I am authentic!

It has just occurred to me that in the video (Angels and Demons Fight on Earth), I unintentionally showed that the stars (angels) have fallen from heaven and are now fighting on earth. (You can read that post and watch the video by clicking here).

It is an HONOUR to have been blackballed by the present controllers of the mainstream media. Now some of them will eventually have to start operating properly and let my music get its real recognition or they will be replaced or shut down. 

A shift is happening around the world e.g. Harvey Weinstein kicked out of his own organization for inappropriate behaviour and some British politicians being exposed for adultery, and inappropriate sexual behaviour. These people used to be untouchable. Not any more.

In my case – stopping my video count getting its proper views and stopping likes being registered, making it look like hardly anyone is watching my videos. Also had one of my videos banned by youtube after 34,000 plays because it was telling the truth even though I didn't mention any names or had any copyright infringements]

“They” have given me great CREDIBILITY by choosing to not let my videos get the correct recognition!

In the film, Wonder Woman (Princess Diana) did not know who she really was. She eventually realized she could do more than the average person, just like I have had to find out who I am.

In my post "The Mystery of the Pain in the Forehead" that I posted on 29th August 2017 I wrote:

I have a personal landmark date. It is the 31st August 2017. It would be 20 years to the day I began an incredibly painful spiritual journey.

The reason I mention this is because Wonder Woman’s name is Princess Diana. On the 31st August 2017, twenty years later, would be exactly the same day that Princess Diana DIED IN FRANCE.


 I am here in this weakened restricted flesh until it’s time for the transition to take place. (I know many don’t know about the transition. That’s for another time… maybe).

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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