Wednesday, 18 October 2017

DREAM: "North Korea Declaring War"

On 17th October 2017 I had a dream that the leader of North Korea was speaking. When he spoke it was like a loudspeaker covering the whole world in the atmosphere speaking in English. He said something on the lines of:

"I was always going to start a war. It was inevitable and now it is going to happen."

It was a sunny afternoon. People looked around at each other in the street and in the sky looking to see if there were any missiles about to fly over.

I saw a group of about 10 people walk into the back of a shop. They were a group of civilians.

A black man was standing at the front speaking to them saying something like,

"We knew this was coming. Now we have to use our knowledge to survive."

The people in the small group were mainly white people. They seemed to be prepared while the rest of the public who were out in the street had no idea what to do and no support group to be with.

I was listening to the man speak at the entrance of the door but I wasn't part of their group, but they did let me come in and sit and listen.

As the black man was speaking a middle aged black female walked past the open shop door and began to listen to what he was saying. She then interrupted and said something that the rest of the group agreed with. As she was standing at the door she kept on interrupting to make her point. The group got annoyed at her constant interjections as she was not part of the group.

The black man at the front got annoyed and said,

"Why do you keep interrupting? You are not part of this group."

He got annoyed and the group had to take a break because the man was noticeably angry. Some of the group went to a sandwich shop for the break.

The black man didn't seem arrogant or controlling. He just wanted the people in his group to be prepared for each other.

Outside of the group in the street, everything seemed pointless. Facebook, smartphones, fashion, materialism all seemed pointless at that moment as the public were stunned looking up and around to see if a bomb was going to drop out of the sky.


That's all I can remember.
It's only a dream.
I'm not saying North Korea is going to start a war.
It's just a dream.

I do think it's a good idea for people to have a handful of people to communicate with in case some strange world changing event happens which would need for you to have support. If not, be your own support. "Here Comes The Warrior."

Fix Society
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