Thursday, 26 October 2017

Something Is Not Right - It Makes No Sense

I just wanted to share this post as it may help you to accept who you really are. 

I saw a post today about things happening much faster. I know this is true. I do believe it is NOW that the majority of us stop rejecting who we are and stop rejecting our talents and gifts (I'm talking to me too). 

I have gone through traumatizing transformations for the last 20 years. At each stage I would not accept who I am even though I would get told by beings from the spirit world who I am. One of the times I was alone in my home I heard these words come out from nowhere…

“You are a star in the universe that affects earth.”

The Harvey Wienstien situation should give you a great sign that the “darkside’s” hold on humanity has taken a huge hit. These people were untouchable. So don't give up now. It’s time to be unapologetic about who you are.

In this post I say that I am a god. I am. Does that make me perfect? No as I have a flesh body that needs to be controlled as it functions on things of this physical world. My god spirit inside me has been transformed to be perfectly me for my purpose on this planet.

I would never say that I am a god, but today, I had to accept it as I was fighting against this insane claim for some time.

It's time to take the next step in our lives.

The following is what I posted on Facebook on 25th Oct 2017


Something is not right!!!

I'm not religious but I know there are other beings in the dimension we can't see.

Usually if I make a youtube video I post it on Facebook. This time I felt within me not to post it straight away.

5 days later I check the video on youtube.

How can it have 1 view and 2 likes? That makes no sense. It would make more sense if it had 2 views and 2 likes. So with just that nonsense statistic, it proves my video has been seen more than is being counted.

We all know that videos with more views are more likely to be watched than those with hardly any views.

With over 100 subscribers on my youtube page, only one person viewed it?

It looks like “SOMEONE” doesn't want you to know what’s real. "They" choose to let dumb music and dumb messages in music go viral so the majority of people stay dumb (e.g. "Mans Not Hot")

For everyone who sees this post, go to the youtube link and “like” the video and lets see if the likes and views go up and get counted.

The video on youtube is called “Angels and Demons Fight on Earth – K STONE.”

Like the video and see if it registers. 

This is the video link.


In just 2 hours this post has reached 942 people. One person told me that they clicked on the youtube video "like" button more than once but it would not let them like the video. And out of 942 people who this post has reached, youtube is showing only 7 VIDEO VIEWS and ONE NEW LIKE. Hmmmm?????


9 hours later and this post has reached 1,505 people. YOUTUBE has registered only ONE NEW VIDEO VIEW out of the 1,505 people who have seen this post on Facebook. That makes a grand total of 8 VIDEO VIEWS and 3 LIKES. Really youtube???


14 hours later and this post has reached 2,222 people.

YOUTUBE has registered just 4 MORE VIEWS and no more likes.
That makes a total of 12 VIDEO VIEWS and 3 LIKES from 2,222 people who have seen this post. Really YOUTUBE???


The "cat's out of the bag." "They" know I am a god. Don't ask me to explain. Just ask yourself why they don't want me to show you the truth? I've been and seen things they don't want you to know about.

When a person finally accepts who they are, then ones real life can finally begin.


If you are one of the new wave of awakened warriors that will not back down, support by getting my music and t-shirts. 

It’s clear that I have been blackballed 

so buy my music through bandcamp at this link and the t-shirts on the merchandise page.

You may say... 

"You said you are a god. Create money out of thin air if you need it."

That's not how it works. We all are God. We are all different members of the complete whole. We've been given the task to use what is in this physical world to overcome those who have chosen to be on the darkside. The darkside has been very disciplined collectively for years, but now a shift has happened and their power is weakening. So all those who are God should wake up and support each other where it is needed. How you respond will affect what you receive in the world to come. 
My contribution has been letting you know things that you had no knowledge about. My knowledge should benefit you in some way. 

If you don’t stand for something, what you have can be taken from you.

K STONE on Facebook  

Click t-shirt for a list of available t-shirts

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