Tuesday, 10 October 2017

"Being in the UK now is far more dangerous than in a foreign country.”- British Soldier

I saw a soldier in full uniform on 10/10/17 walk into the shop I was in. As they walked past me, out of the blue I said, “Excuse me. Have you killed someone before?” Their eyes grew wide and they seemed dazed.

They talked about how they had seen enemy soldiers killed and their friends also killed. They also mentioned about soldiers suffering from PTSD even before they are sent on a mission.

The soldier also said 

“Being in the UK now is far more dangerous than in a foreign country.” 

How interesting. Then the soldier realized that they said more than they should have so then they walked away. (The soldier also said other things that I will not say). I wonder what they know that the media is not telling us.

If you ever see a soldier who you don’t know, stop them and ask them how they are doing. The soldier seemed surprised that a stranger took an interest in how they were coping.

You may learn something that is not being said on the news.

Fix Society


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