Friday, 2 June 2017

When Money Makes You Look Like An Idiot


This has to be the first time in a while I have seen how poor some wealthy people are.

So I pop into Subway to get a sandwich. I sit at the window. I watch this big dude drive pass. He drives pass again, and then again. He is in this big new BMW trying to find a parking space. He then disappears. 10 minutes later, here he comes. He stands outside the window where I sat at. He’s looking around. He’s about 6 ft 2 and large/overweight in body not muscles. His side kick turns up and they both stand outside the window where I am at. The big dude keeps on flashing his gold watch as it sparkles in the sunlight. He has his smartphone in his other hand waving it about but not speaking on it. His side kick is a skinny little man about 5ft 5.

You can see his little mate is intimidated by his big blinging buddy as he nervously looks around with his hands in his pockets. They stand outside the window for about 5 minutes talking. Then they walk in like it’s the wild wild west in a saloon bar. 

He says to the worker behind the counter “I want the Herb and cheese bread.” 
The worker says “Sorry we have ran out of that bread. Would you like the Italian hearty?”

The big dude loses it lol. He says, “What? What you mean you don’t have that bread? This is not good. How come you don’t have that bread? This is ridiculous.” 

He rants on and on about not getting the bread he wants. The big dude cannot handle this traumatic situation so he leaves Subway without making an order. Instead he walks angrily across the road and into a Thai takeaway. They order their food and sit at the window inside the Thai takeaway.

I could still see he was fuming about the bread disaster situation.

Before he came into Subway, the bread I wanted was not there so I settled for another bread and other people had to do that as well. It’s no big deal.

But the way the big dude was carrying on was like, just because he was iced out and blinging like a sports star he should have everything his own way.

The big dude and his slim short buddy sat together eating their food in the Thai takeaway. They looked so sad and pathetic. It was obvious that all he was doing was flashing his wealth.

So the moral of this story is, I saw how empty and poor this big dude with wealth is. Not all rich people are like that, but this dude had no inner wealth of respect or courtesy or decency. The Subway worker who was probably on minimum wage had more wealth than the big dude in the way he conducted himself.  

Connecting with other humans in a decent manner is wealth. This wealth grows as you are good to other people.

In a world where people with wealth get celebrated the most, remember true wealth is the state of the spirit of a person. Material wealth means nothing if you are a rich idiot who only has friends they can intimidate; and is disrespectful to strangers when there is no reason to be. Real wealth isn't money. Real wealth is how you make people feel. That will show who’s really rich or poor.

UK Music Producer

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