Wednesday, 28 June 2017


 They are starting to see through media manipulation. So if people are being made to think a certain way then how much of our thoughts are already not our own?

We need to KEEP IT SIMPLE.

Firstly, love yourself. Love your partner. Treat those around you how you would want to be treated.

It doesn't matter who has a top of the range car while you may not even have a bicycle. That person in the expensive car could be a horrible person who people don't like while a person who has humble transportation is respected all throughout their community. 

Look how the local people around the Grenfell tower fire area were respected in the community and the Prime Minister of England had to leave quickly by being booed and jeered. 

So Fix Society by first fixing your situation the best you can. Then you can be affective around others.

My Fix Society EP was released in 2016. Its about keeping it simple in a relationship, finding love, being strong, meditating and loving yourself, and not being manipulated by the media.
Listen to the words.

This is my effort in trying to help people before my time on this earth is up.
Click on logo

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook 

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