Tuesday, 6 June 2017



I saw this post today by a female.

By Chell
“Fellas....Fellas....Fellas I gotta say something...i see a lot of "men" approach women in some disrespectful ways and I have to stop and just say....Do you know what makes a legend? A man that accomplishes goals, a man that can say he actually made a difference, I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about what you can accomplish with your mind and soul...even if it's just one person's life, that can set an example not just for your future children, but to others to be inspired, to make someone WANT to give their attention to you, not with slick pick up lines, made up stories of you being hard, or that money in your pocket...your knowledge is what will captivate a woman, you can talk to lil girls out here claiming to be women that don't know their worth, and they will fall for that shit, it'll work for a while. But you'll end up with a type of woman you don't want, and it won't last, you'll be 40 with multiple relationships that meant nothing, waste all those years because you want to portray yourself as a "legend", but do you really know what that is? Fellas....Impress a woman with your mind, not your body or materialistic objects or a front… we have to change things, and perspective of what a "legend" is... we have children in this world watching us adults and how we deal with others ...Do better and know your worth as well fellas!”

That’s what I'm talking about. That is what Fix Society is about. People wanting change. People making change happen.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer


Click on the logo for the Fix Society EP

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