Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Similarities? My Dream Came True in 4 Days - American Gods

On 2 June 17 I posted a dream called "Red Dragon with wings and the moon."

On the 5th going into the 6th of June I watched the 1st three episodes of American Gods back to back.

What caught my attention straight away was the name of the main character “Shadow Moon.” In my dream I talk about the red dragon hiding in the darkness of the moon, or in other words, the shadow of the moon.

To me, the red dragon represented the character called Wednesday who “hides” behind Shadow Moon as Shadow Moon is the body guard of Wednesday.

The show is very dark. In some cases, like the scene with the taxi driver in episode 3, is something I could not watch at all. I listened out for when the scene changed. This falls in line with the ancient text I put below the dream post as an update as it mentioned darkness covering the earth.

In my dream I mention I was in an apartment a few floors up. In American Gods it showed a man and a woman talking in an apartment a few floors up.

I mentioned seeing a pack of wolves in my dream running from the direction where the red dragon landed, and in the show Wednesday and Shadow Moon are driving in a car then had to make an emergency stop right in front of a wolf.

In one of the scenes Lucille Ball starts talking to Shadow Moon through the TV screen. 

She says:

"The screen's the altar. I’m the one they sacrifice to. Then till now, golden age to golden age. They sit side by side ignore each other and give it up to me. Now they hold a smaller screen in their lap or in the palm of their hand so they don’t get bored watching the big one. Time and attention. Better than lambs blood."

From what I get out of what she said is people are taking the focus off their own life by looking more at the TV’s, ipads and smartphones. As long as the attention is on what is on the screen then people are sacrificing their time to watch what is fake instead of living without the control of the different types of screens.

Why are they blatantly telling people the truth?

I've been promoting Fix Society since January 2016. By fixing your own situation you have begun to fix society. The decision is yours. It's up to you to greatly reduce what you watch on the screens and start living a real life away from giving your attention away to the screens.

That's another one of my dreams that have come true. 

Fix Society

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