Friday, 2 June 2017

Red Dragon with wings and the moon dream

 Check out this dream I had on 2nd June 17.

In the dream, I looked in the sky and saw the moon. It looked like this.

Then I could see a red dragon with wings flying in the dark part of the moon.

Then the whole moon went black. I could faintly see the outline of the moon with the dragon flying across as if he was hiding in the darkness of the moon.

Then I saw the other half of the moon.

The red dragon landed in the distance. Packs of wolves ran from the direction the dragon landed. The wolves were not running away from the dragon. The wolves seemed to be part of the dragon.

In the dream I was trying to tell a group of people about what I saw in that dream. (It was like the movie “Inception.”  I was in a dream telling people about a dream). I did not know the group of people but we were in someone’s apartment building a few floors up. They didn't want to hear what I had to say about my dream so I left it at that.

After I left that apartment I saw a pack of wolves run and stand where some boys were kicking a football (soccer ball) around. 
The wolves stood among them. I did not see the wolves attack them. They were just there. Then I woke up.

Just before I am posting this dream I checked out what phase the moon is at. It is just past the same as the first moon picture above. Spooky. I wonder if something is happening in the world now that we are going to find out soon? Maybe the dragon is up to something now? We will have to see what happens by the second half of the moon phase if something does happen or it was just a dream that meant nothing.

I am just sharing this dream as some of my weird dreams come true like the Doctor Strange dream coincidences.

Yeah I know it’s weird but hey… download my EP's called “I Saw Satan” and “Fix Society.” Start collecting my music just in case they disappear. 

UPDATE! 3rd June 17
I randomly saw some ancient text today without looking for it and it said this:

Arise, shine, for your light has come!

The glory of Adonai has risen on you.

For behold, darkness covers the earth,
and deep darkness the peoples.
But Adonai will arise upon you,
and His glory will appear over you.
Nations will come to your light,
kings to the brilliance of your rising.

I don't believe in coincidences anymore. There is a darkness that is covering the world right now which I believe is symbolized by the red dragon hiding in the darkness of the moon. So now that must mean, the God of the universe is covering me now.   

Grandmaster K STONE

UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook 

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