Friday, 9 April 2021

We Are All Being Recorded


I came across this video on Facebook on 8th April. As I was watching it the other dimension told me to write about it and what I know.


The part of this Loki trailer I am showing you is when a big stack of paper is in front of Loki with all the words he ever said.


When I saw the pile of paper and all the things Loki ever said it triggered a memory of a dream that I had maybe around 17 years ago. You may be wondering how I can remember some of my dreams from a long time ago. It’s because I went through trauma. Trauma unlocks something in our brain and gives us the ability to remember certain things.


For example, people have said they remember where they were when JF Kennedy was shot. Some people can remember what they were doing the day they heard that Princess Diana died. There are others who can remember what they were doing the day of 9/11. All these trauma incidents send shock to the brain and somehow people can remember what was happening around that day. As my trauma went on for years, every now and then a dream I had would comes back to my memory.


The Dream


The dream I had back then was that I was standing in a line. It was a wide line of people. There was no time in that dream dimension. The line seemed to go on for many miles and went over fields and hills. Then all of a sudden it was my turn in the line.


When it was my turn there was a being which could have been a human or angel sitting down behind a desk. I could see the body but not the face. On the desk was an open book. The being was looking to see if my name was in the Book of Life. I leaned over and said “There’s my name.” My name was about 7 letters long and I knew that was my name. The thing is, even though my name was seven letters long in the book; it also interchanged with being a long line of words that stretched out for miles and miles. That long line of words was also my name. It had everything I had ever said on that long line of words. So if it were possible to pronounce my real name it would have been all the things I had ever said.


The other dimension wanted me to write about this because some people are going to be highly disappointed when it’s time for them to live on the other side.


Every single day around 150,000 people, young and old, die of one thing or another around the world. It could be cancer, heart attack, car crash, peanut allergy, slipping in the bath, drug overdose, suicide, domestic violence… anything.


This clip from R.I.P.D is just an example of how a person can be alive one minute then dead the next. It’s that quick to enter the non flesh world of eternity.


While still alive in our world now there are people who need to turn things around while they are on earth. You could be rich or poor, it doesn’t matter.


From my experience and things I have looked into, we are all being recorded.


I wrote some time ago about meeting what most people would class as God. I mentioned that it would be beneficial if people refurbished or renovated their lives. Make changes internally.


You can read the whole encounter at this link.


So the Loki clip in my opinion is true.


The ancient texts say:


“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.


While we are alive and maybe experiencing the extremes that life brings, having fun and doing what we want is the best option.


The older we are getting the realer the reality becomes that we only have a certain amount of time on this planet.


If you think in yourself that something in your life needs changing you still can change things while you are alive. We can start to make a better list of recorded things for when that day to go to the other side comes.


 Fix Society


UK Music Producer


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