Saturday, 3 April 2021

I am sacrificing all the things in me that are not beneficial anymore


I am sacrificing all the things in me that are not beneficial anymore.


 It’s the time of the year where we relive the sacrifice on the cross.


I'm sacrificing all the wrongs I have done and keeping all the things I did right. I’m clearing out old energies in me and welcoming in the new good ones.


How I plan to do this is by watching a crucifixion movie and imagine that it is me going through the suffering and being on the cross.


After watching it and accepting that the past non useful energies have gone, I have to replace what is gone with the positive new ones.


I inhale light to go right down and fill up my feet and ankles and inhale up my legs. I inhale up from my legs all the way up to my neck. Then inhale more to go down my arms to my finger tips. I inhale more to go up through my neck and fill my head.


That’s what I am going to do.


If people want change they may have to sacrifice what needs changing and fill yourself up with new good energy and a new good frequency.


Some people may need to do this because of the domestic violence they did to their partner during lockdown. After the sacrifice process I mentioned, it could bring peace in your lives and you get back together or you heal and go in peace on your separate ways.


Someone reading this could be one of those who carry knives. You may want to take part in the sacrifice and not carry knives anymore. When you change your energy it can change your path to be in a better environment and with different people.


The sacrifice could be for any mindset or lifestyle anyone wants ended in their life. It’s up to you if you want to try the process I mentioned. It would be great if this worked and your life mysteriously gets better and put you on a much better path.


It may open the door for you to receive people who care about you, and it can also be to close doors to those who don’t.


It’s up to you. This can be done at any time of the year. It doesn’t have to be at Easter.




1. Recognize what you want removed out of your life.


2. Watch a crucifixion movie, place yourself on the cross and imagine all the bad energies you want gone being pushed out of you.


3. After the film, take part in inhaling good light (mentioned above) to fill you to replace what has gone.


Who knows, you may see a difference in your life in a short space of time.


Fix Society


UK Music Producer


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