Monday, 26 April 2021

Money Making Finances Warning - K STONE

STOP! Go to the updated version of this post at

The other dimension guided me to make this known. 

If you are not aware of Ananias and Sapphira they both withheld the truth concerning a financial matter. The ancient texts say,  because they did not tell the truth they both drop dead and died on the spot. Fear spread through their group.

When you lie about finances to a person connected to a specific spirit being you are not only lying to a human but to the spirit that is one with that person.


From this moment onward those who have stolen, or who block, steal, divert or use any process to hinder me from receiving the finances that are for me or was supposed to be given to me, you will now be left in the hands of the entity that is one with me, which is the same being that removed the life force energy from Ananias and Sapphira.

You may think that I am crazy, or on the other hand you may believe that I am telling the truth. That is for you to find out. I haven't even mentioned the entities name as this one is not the one to mess with. I avoid mentioning its name as much as I can.

I'm just doing what the other dimension told me to do.


The following link is for my billionaire and millionaire readers:

Fix Society


UK Music Producer

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