On the 24th September
2019 I decided to meditate for 5 minutes. When I opened my eyes again an hour
had passed. As I wanted to see the rest of what was happening I kept on
meditating and in total sat meditating for 2 hours and 5 minutes.
I never thought I could do
that, but what was being revealed had me captivated.
At the beginning when I closed
my eyes I saw that I grew new huge white wings. Each wing was bigger than a
I thought, “What am I supposed
to do now?” Then I flapped the wings slightly and instantly ended up on the
other side of the world.
I then realised that just one
slight flap of the wings could take me to anywhere in the world in an instant.
I decided to flap them
continuously. I became aware that the more I flapped the deeper into the
universe I went within seconds. What could have taken light years took seconds.
I eventually made it to a
place in space. It was made known to me that it was the Eternal Life/Eternal
Light sitting on a throne and beside him sat the Son.
Without me making the decision
to move, I was being over ridden. My spirit body with the wings began floating
towards the Eternal Life. I was turned around in the air then sat on his throne
with him as we were united as one spirit but independent thoughts. Then the Son,
who sat on the right hand side began to glide towards us from the side onto the
same throne. We all three sat on the throne as one person but with independent
Then I looked forward. About
50 metres in front of us were beings that were made known to me where angels.
They bowed down towards us and stayed bowed low on the ground.
Behind the angels a line of
humans appeared. There was just one line and not rows of humans. The line
stretched from left to right as if the whole world was all lined up. They all
knelt down and bowed with their hands forward flat on the ground and stayed
in that position.
Behind the humans appeared
cattle. A number of animals lined up behind the humans and sat down and bowed
Then there was a large gap for
about a mile. At the far end of the mile were the fallen angels. All of them
bowed down low towards us.
So to recap, 50 metres in
front of the throne were firstly
The angels
Directly after were the humans
Right after were the animals
And a mile away were the
fallen angels.
As I sat there I accepted the
whole; the good and the bad of all that there is in the earth and the universe.
It felt relaxing. I now could understand how the Eternal Life and the Son felt
as they looked at what is on earth and in the universe.

31 January 2024
felt the spirit tell me to add an experience that I had that relates
to this post. I had this vision some time after I made this post.
happened was, as I sat with the Eternal Life and the Son a
transparent dome came from behind then over us and over what was
before us. On the outside of the dome were the fallen angels and the
humans who did not change their lives (refurbish/ turn away from the
evil they were doing). If they changed then the humans outside the dome
could have come inside. Why would the Eternal Life allow inside murderers who murder for pleasure (not self defence) to
continue killing, liars who ruin lives on purpose to continue to lie, etc, into a place where people
who used to do that have stopped it so they can now live a better
life? He won't. That is why there has to be a separation so there is
a place for peace for the people who want to have fun and live in
harmony. END OF UPDATE]
As I sat there I became aware
that at one point in time the whole earth is going to burn. It is only what has
Eternal Life is what is going to remain.
Then I began having a
conversation with the Eternal Life:-
ME: If the earth is going to burn and all that
remains is what has Eternal Life, how am I going to convince people that you
are real?
I going to convince them that I am real if you can't? They can hear and see
ME: How is anyone going to believe any of this
ETERNAL LIFE: Your gift is that you can explain things
concerning this experience.
After that I cannot remember
the rest of what we talked about.
As that experience ended, I
still had my eyes closed. I then saw an angel who I haven’t seen for about a
couple of months. He is called the Angel of Wealth. He is completely golden and
has gold wings. He walked up to me, as I still could see in that dimension as I
meditated, and his spirit sat in my body, as I was sat down. His spirit became
one with mine.
After that experience with the
Eternal Life I decided to type in a search engine, “sit with me in my throne.”
This showed up. This is in the
Revelation 3:21
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit
with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father
in his throne.
When I saw it I said “Wow!”
It’s the Son talking about a person who overcomes, sitting on a throne with him
and the Eternal Life just as I had done.
I done another search for Eternal Life and these came up.
John 3: 15 & 16
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Eternal Life is a being. If
you believe in the Son you get to have Eternal Life/Eternal Light. It was the
Eternal Life who sent the Son to planet earth to give the message of Eternal Life. When the whole earth eventually
burns, those who believe in the Son cannot burn away and die. You’ll be
prepared for the evil to leave and the new world to begin.
I just remembered another part
of the conversation I had with the Eternal Life.
ME: I’m not telling anyone to repent. That is
soaked in religious talk that is used to bash people over the head with.
ETERNAL LIFE: What word would you use?
ME: Refurbish. A person refurbishes or renovates
internally what is inside them.
In this flesh body, you and I
are going to make mistakes. We are more than likely going to mess up some days,
but we still get to refurbish or remove our mess, throw it out, move on and
replace it with a positive light feeling or thought.
Just think of having a house inside you. You chose what furniture, sheets, pillows and appliances you
want in there. If they are old (holding on to old negative experiences or
thoughts) and are not working, then you remove them.
---Old run down inner held thoughts and beliefs represented by this kitchen---
With Eternal Light, replace your outlook and feelings with
something new (replace it with positive light feeling and positive light thoughts and feel brand new inside). Have sincere regret and remorse for what your past experiences were with the things you did or said that were wrong. Then mentally throw them out in the trash and see them as being dead. Now live with a renewed inner sense of freedom and light.
---New inner life renovated, represented by this new kitchen---
Keep your inner house as clean as you can so it looks luxurious inside and shines
out of your windows (eyes).
Well I have done
my part. Whether you believe this post or not is your free will choice.
This is not something I was going to share as it could make me sound crazy, but I shared it anyway. If it helps someone then it was worth typing all this out.
If you believe this post will
help someone share it with them.
Fix Society
UK Music Producer
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