Sunday, 6 October 2019

DREAM: My Street Was On Fire

On the 4th October 2019 I had a dream. I was in a house that I used to live at. For some reason I went outside. I looked down the road and saw that inside the window of a home on the ground floor, inside was fully ablaze. 

I said, “Oh no! Someone must have called the fire brigade.” 

Then from looking at that fire I turned and looked up the road and a different neighbours roof was on fire. Then I looked across the road and saw that some houses were on fire.

I was confused and stunned. Then I noticed that fireballs as big as a bale of hay were falling out of the sky and landing on the ground and on houses. Some fireballs were the size of a fist. They did not come down fast. They fell slow enough to dodge out their way before impact.

I then thought, “Why has the fire engine not turned up yet?” 

Then I thought, “They must already be busy somewhere else.”

This video looked similar to what was in my dream.

I went outside and had a look to see if the house I was in was on fire on the outside. It wasn’t. No fire on the roof or anywhere on this house, but the houses either side of mine had some fire on different parts of the buildings.

I then thought about how there was no sign of any fire engines. The fireballs were still falling. Then a number of cars came up the road and parked. They had something to do with law enforcement. Their cars seemed odd for some reason and looked similar to this one.

While inside the house I looked through the window and saw one of the “Law Enforcement Officers” (LEO'S for short). He walked up to one of the neighbours who was outside his home, stood behind him and put what looked like a cheese wire over his head and around his neck and choked him to death. 

It looked similar to this cheese wire but black and with handles like this.

I had a sense that these LEO’S were walking round the neighbourhood killing who they could who survived the fires.

At that point the atmosphere changed. I could feel that all connection with all the families in the world had vanished. Everyone was an individual without recognition of being connected to a family. This feeling of family vanished throughout the world like it never existed in the first place. It was every man for themselves.

Then I wondered, “Where do I go?” 

The LEO’S didn’t come to the house where I was. It seemed like they just went killing the people whose houses were on fire. The people had to leave their burning houses and come outside. That’s how the LEO’S could get them easily. While the LEO’S were busy killing people with the cheese wire thing, I went out of the back of the house and escaped.

Then I woke up.

I’m just sharing this dream in case it means something in days or weeks to come.

My thoughts right now think it could mean, how we see things in the world as we know it is being removed and a time to rebuild with the survivors has come, and to change for the better.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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