Wednesday, 30 October 2019

New Moon Brings New Happiness and Peace

On the 28th October 2019 UK time was the new moon. Since that day peace and happiness has replaced the clearing out of the soul that I mentioned in my post called, “Bruce Lee said “Be Water.” 

Is this the beginning of the shift that I said was going to come? This is just for the people who this relates to.

It certainly feels different as up to the 27th October was a sense of loss.

Now since the 28th October, what I have felt come through with this new moon was warm inner peace and happiness. Also there was a sense of being open to people who want to talk to you but they are afraid. There is no more need for them to be afraid to speak to you. Give them the opportunity to approach you or contact you and listen to what they have to say.

A shift has happened and your peace sometimes gets taken away from you to push you into something new.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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