Saturday, 2 November 2019

Why I Kept Seeing the Word “Wizard” Revealed

A few days ago the words came to me why I kept on seeing and hearing the word Wizard.

On the 24th October 2019 I posted this.

Then as I was in the shower one day, each letter of the word wizard was revealed to me.

Here’s what was revealed.


Wisdom – You have become wise to the things you have learned

Independent – You have independent thought and are free of the attempted mind manipulation of others.

Zonar – You are one with the infinite

Aligned – You are aligned to your life’s path

Respected – You are respected and have respect for who and what deserves respect

Deserving – Accept the good gifts and honour you deserve because of all you have been through

Then I was shown in another dimension to take off an invisible cloak of the past and put on a new wizard cloak representing the words that are mentioned above.

I was shown that other people who want to move on in life should do this too. I also heard that if people are cautious of what I have been shown about the words representing the new cloak, then for their own peace of mind, they should come up with words of their own, remove their own past invisible cloak and put their new cloak on and live.

This is another post that I was not going to share. The only reason why I have shared this too is because just like you, I am curious as to where all this is leading. What would you do if these things kept happening to you? Would you stay silent or share them and see what happens?

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