Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Ive Seen A Real Dementor From Harry Potter

It was about 15 years ago when I was living in North Camp, Farnborough. I was walking down Alexandra Road. This is the road.

I noticed this unusual thing flying through the air that baffled me. From a distance it looked like a larger than usual black bin liner that was torn to shreds flying about 3 feet off the ground. As it got closer it looked like a thin black sheet torn up at one end and out of shape at the other end.

The reason I watched it fly is because it was a windy day and the wind was strong enough to push me off balance. The wind was going down the road while this black sheet thing was flying up the centre of the road against the strong wind in a straight line. I stood and watched it and said,

“That is not possible.”

Other litter was flying about all over the place like it’s supposed to when strong wind hits it. If it was a normal black bin liner or thin sheet it would have been flying and spinning violently down the road in the opposite direction but it didn’t. It continued to fly into the wind gracefully as if there was no wind.

It slowly flew passed about 10 feet away from me and continued flying against the wind up the centre of the road. After it passed me it started slowly rising into the air and continuing off into the distance as if it was going to a destination.

Fast forward to 22nd November 2019. I watched a Harry Potter film. The reason I was watching Harry Potter is because of my post about hearing the word “wizard” repeatedly said to me. I went to a DVD shop and asked the staff if they knew of any movies with wizards and I was told the only films one of them knew were of Harry Potter and Merlin. I have no idea about wizards so I decided to see if I could find clues in movies. So far, I’ve watched the first four Harry Potter movies within the last couple of weeks.

Can you imagine my surprise when I saw the Dementors in Harry Potter? They looked exactly like what I saw flying past me around 15 years ago.

See video

What I also noticed by watching the first four Harry Potter films were these synchronicities.

1. Harry was taken as a baby to live at a home with the door number 4 in the county of Surrey.
When I was born, I was taken to live at a home with the door number 4 in the county of Surrey.
(Note: because the home where I was taken to is on the Surrey/Hampshire border, you can use either the address with either Hampshire or Surrey at the end and it would still arrive at the house. – Weird, I know)

2. Harry Potters initials are H P and if you twist them around, they become P H which are the initials of my birth name.

3. Harry travelled to a different dimension/world when he went through the wall at the train station, and I have already shared a number of my experiences where I can see things in the other dimension.

4. The bad way how Harry was treated, and the visitors who came to the home and their outcome, was an eye opener. Similarities were there too.

5.  In Harry Potters “The Goblet of Fire” a huge skull cloud appears in the sky, and I have already shared the picture of the skull head (Leviathan) that I took a picture of that was in the sky last year.

6. Also in “The Goblet of Fire” Harry was befriended by a man who was being helpful to him for the purpose of planning to take him down and have Harry killed. I can relate to that too.

(The man changes into the other man to trick Harry)

It also reminded me of when some people I know benefited off my name and seemingly were being friendly to me but were actually stabbing me in the back, as they really hated me.

Back to the flying black things called “Dementors.” I searched to find out what that name meant.

I came across this explanation:

"A Dementor is a gliding, wraithlike Dark creature, widely considered to be one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed on human happiness and thus generate feelings of depression and despair in any person in close proximity to them."

J.K. Rowling was said to have been suffering from depression when she wrote the Harry Potter stories. From my experience, when I got deep into depression I was able to see into another dimension. I was suffering from deep depression when I saw the Dementor around 15 years ago. Maybe J.K. Rowling saw one too and put it into her story.

Depression can be an incredibly dark place where not everybody is able to get out. Could it be that the unseen Dementors visit those who are depressed and purposely keep them away from happiness? Or maybe someone sent a witchcraft, Obeah, de Laurence or black magic curse to surround a person with darkness to cause years of feeling like there is no hope; and to have bad fortune?

It was revealed to me to create a "rhyme command" to cast away the Dementors and end spells off innocent people who suffer depression and have unfairly been, unknowingly to them, had curses or spells put on them by their mother, father, grand parent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, “friend,” ex partner, co-worker, boss, jealous person, or any human or entity who has unfairly directed evil to your life.

If you want to begin to be free you can say this rhyme command that I created:

From this day I’m no more bound
I declare the evil drowned
It lies dead beneath the ground
It has no strength it makes no sound

If anyone sends evil to me
Immediately receive it back times three
My world has changed and now I’m free
I’m free I’m free so must it be

Now welcome in the Eternal Light to replace the darkness.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

©2019 K STONE UK Music Producer

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