Saturday, 19 October 2019

No Straight Person or Infant Should Be Harassed By a Member of the LGBT Community

This is a personal experience that happened over the last couple of months.

The line has been crossed.

This is for all people who care about their own freedom and the freedom and safety of straight people and babies. 


Every now and then I would go to a bar where my friends are. It’s a bar where, the majority of the time I’m there, only straight people are in there.

One evening I saw one of my friends talking to a man at the bar.

I said 

“how are you... all right?” 

to my friend and then I went to the bar to get a drink. I was a couple of yards away from where they were talking.

The man my friend was talking to said, 

“I’m all right too you know.” 

I turned around and he stretched his hand to me and he shook my hand. I never thought anything of it. As I stood waiting to be served that man started to include me into the conversation who he was having with my friend.

The man then said something offencive to my friend so my friend looked angry and said something similar to, 

“I’m going outside for a smoke.” 

The man said, 

“Don’t go I was just joking,” 

but my friend walked off.

While I waited to get my drink the man started talking to me. I then noticed almost every other sentence was either an innuendo or a reference to anal sex, so I realised he was gay. I saw another friend and walked over to him and left the gay man at the bar.


A couple of weeks pass and I went to see my friends at the bar again. Later on I was sitting with two female friends. The gay man walked to the door and stood at the door as he was leaving. I never saw him but the females saw him. I looked over to what they were looking at and the gay man is there leaning up at the door staring at me in a creepy way fluttering his eyes. This gay man looks to be in his 60’s and comes off as being seedy.

I turned away and ignored him. That kind of thing doesn’t happen to me from men. I’m not a small dude and I can easily take care of myself if provoked. 

I then leaned over the table and held one of the females hand, which he saw, and then he left.


A few weeks pass and I visit the bar again to see my friends. It’s near closing time and I was talking to one of my friends. From the blind side of me a hand is stretched towards me so I shake it thinking it is one of my other friends leaving. It wasn’t. It was the gay man. Then a conversation started.

GAY MAN: Don’t you think he would look good as a transsexual?

[He was talking about one of my friends]

ME: I don’t look at men in that way. I am not a transsexual.

[In utter disgust, the gay man responded]

GAY MAN: Uh! What do you think I am? I am not a transsexual.

[His hatred for transsexuals baffled me. I thought all in the LGBT group approved of each other? Apparently not by his reaction. He showed so much detest for transsexuals that he motioned as if he was going to throw up, as he got all animated.

Then he continued and said again...]

GAY MAN: But don’t you think he would look good as a transsexual?

ME: I have no interest in men at all. I am straight and I live in my little world and I am happy in my world.

[He kept on harassing me but I kept saying I am not interested; I am straight and have no interest in men. I started to realise he was trying to provoke me to get angry but I saw what he was doing and I stayed calm. If I did punch him it would be seen as a homophobic attack in the newspapers without people knowing the real story. I stayed calm as I remembered in Reiki it teaches, "just for today, I will not be angry."

As he realised he couldn't get me angry, he said frustrated...]

GAY MAN: What are you talking about? You got to get with it. This is 2019. You are living in the past. What's wrong with you?

[He said other things that I can't remember then got upset and angry and said again...]

GAY MAN: You are uneducated! This is 2019 get with it.

[Then he turned around angrily, walked to the door looked at me and said...]

GAY MAN: And with that… goodbye.

[He turned to the door, pulled open the door, turned around looked at me and said to me in anger…]


Then he left.


So in 2019, straight people are not allowed to be straight anymore? Put it this way. What if a creepy straight man kept on talking about anal sex to a female at the bar and she did not know the man or like the man? What if she was a lesbian? 

 If I didn’t have this experience I would not have known how disrespectful someone from the LGBT community could be when they were unprovoked.

I then thought about how disgusted he was about transsexuals. Don’t the gays and transsexuals like each other? So why is there a group that lumps you all together like you are all in agreement LGBT people?


During the time that this was going on I came across something on twitter which puts babies and infants in danger. Paedophiles are being approved by a gay doctor to join the LGBT community.

That gay doctor believes that there are no lines. 

A person replied on twitter saying,

"This crosses a line that should never, ever be crossed. If we normalize this we will get to a very bad place."

The gay doctor responded with,

"I am a scientist and a liberal. I do not believe there are such lines."


Isn’t anyone disgusted about this?

So all the straight and LGBT people who make it their point to stand with the LGBT community, are you happy that straight people get harassed by gay men who won’t leave straight people alone? I'm sure I'm not the only one harassed. Do you now realise that hidden amongst the LGBT community are those who want to accept those that want to have sex with infants? Are you happy about that? What if it was your baby that one of the paedophiles wanted to have sex with?

 Can’t I live a straight life without being harassed? 

I don’t harass lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals or transsexuals. So why cannot infants and I get respect?

One of the worst things for a member of the LGBT community to do is aggravate or harass a person who is peaceful. You’ll turn peace into your worst nightmare because even peaceful people have their limits.

And what about this gay doctor wanting to let paedophiles join your community? Are you OK with that? Doesn’t that disgust you?

When infants have become a sexual target, then the peace ends. 

If you think I am exaggerating, see the report in the Sun newspaper at the link. That man filmed baby rapes, tortured kids and made them dig their own graves. The article said he sold the videos for up to $10,000 per view.

If he was selling them to be viewed that means there are more of his kind around the world. If the “P” is included in the LGBT community these depraved men and women can hide in there.

This is the Sun's report. See link

I was going to end this post here but then I saw the hash-tag #lgbtqtakeover

LGBTQ community you have all the alternative sexual preferences except straight. Are you planning on taking over the world from straight people? 

Why are you starting a war with straight people, especially the ones who have not been troubling you?

LGBTQ community, your people have lit the fire. Put the fire out. 

Why can you not just live in peace as there are a lot of straight people who wish you no harm? We just want to get on with our lives, but now this mess? Straight people and infants are not safe from your community? REALLY?


Years ago there was a song by the Manic Street Preachers. The words are, 

“If you tolerate this then your children will be next.”

LGBT community, don’t let them add the “P.” If they do add the “P”, then it would make this world no longer safe for any baby, straight person or the LGBT community. Most straight people will not tolerate you allowing sex to happen to the babies.

Share this post if you believe in an end to harassment of peaceful straight people, and for the protection of babies and the vulnerable against paedophiles.

I’ll leave with a quote from Albert Einstein

Fix Society
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