Friday, 29 May 2020

London - Stay Alert - False Flag?

In the video the man says:

“The Crest has gone.”

“The windows are all boarded up. That’s the first time that has ever happened.”

“The guys guarding the palace aren’t the Royal Guards.”

“Where’s the queen?”

This is who usually guards the palace.

In the video they are not there.

As soon as I saw this I instantly thought of, if Buckingham Palace is empty, the elite could use this as a false flag attack to divert attention away from the celebrities and politicians that are guilty of horrendous crimes against children.

Then I thought of the movie “London Has Fallen.” Was this movie used for what “they” planned to happen?

Is this another reason why in Boris’s slogan he says “Stay Alert?”

How can you stay alert for a virus you cannot see?

Londoners, and possibly the whole of the UK, STAY ALERT!

Let’s hope I am wrong and nothing happens.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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