Wednesday, 6 May 2020

DREAM: People From All Over The World Receiving Special Gifts

 On 24th April 2020 I had a dream. I was walking alone in a large empty building similar to this.

 Suddenly I saw more people begin to walk inside the building. Some people where fully clothed, some had on pajamas and some were half dressed from the top but below they were in their underwear. It was as if all these selected people were summoned to be at this place regardless of what time zone they were in. That’s why all were dressed differently and no-one had a sense of shame. We were all wondering why we were in here. I didn’t know anyone there. We slowly walked in this large building looking around. There were hundreds of people in there and nobody was talking but all were just curious.

Then someone, it could have been a human or angel, started speaking for a while in the distance ahead of us in a raised position. The being was giving us all information. I can’t remember what was said.

When the being finished speaking, people started separating into groups. Everyone just started to walk to an area of people who they were drawn to. There were about 50 people in each group.

The group I was with started talking to each other. We realized that we all had the same gift. Then it was made known to me that the other groups of 50 that all went off together all had different gifts than what our group had. I can’t remember all the gifts, but I’ll just say, the people who could walk through walls, they were all in one group. The people who could see into the future were all in one group. 

Then we all wondered how we all knew to congregate with the people who had the same gifts that we had. We all had a sense of being with who we should be with without knowing (without no-one telling us where to be).

Then two people came around the corner. I recognized that these two people went to my school. They were told by my group to come over as they belonged to the group I was in.

Then I woke up. *******

I remember from the dream that all the people in the building were all at peace with each other. Even though we were all in different groups it was like we were all of one source light of unity although separated by the groups of a specific gift.

When I woke up it was shown to me about the gift of the group who could see into the future. It may not seem like a great gift but it was. This group could see as far into the future as they needed to make the right decisions on where to be. This group could never be captured. It is like, if there was a trap or danger ahead of them, a vision would come to them showing them what was ahead 10 minutes into the future. This advanced vision would show the danger ahead and a different route to take. It worked 5 minutes into the future as well as 30 minutes into the future or whatever time space they needed to escape. It’s not just to escape but to meet the right people at the right time.

The people won’t be in groups of 50 when they are out in the street. They would either be alone or with another person. They were all allowed to be gathered in that place in the dream together to let them know it was time to use their gift. The people in the different groups are spread out in the world.

Then what came to my mind was a track I posted on 1st August 2019 called, I’ve Woken Up Incredible.

If you are put off by the eye in the pyramid at the beginning, I provide a verse of what it means at the end of the video. It’s not of the evil eye of the Illuminati group. Do your research on it.

It is a verse from out of the bible.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

I had signs telling me to put that eye in the video.

NOTE: This video was uploaded on 1st August 2019. This is before Covid 19, the "great awakening" that is happening now and any other political situation that happened after that date. Listen to the words carefully as they all mean something.

A few days after I wrote about the dream above, I came across a TV program and a film I watched. They both were about receiving specific gifts. What was interesting is that, if I rightly remember, the people got their individual gifts after an unexpected freak storm happened that wasn’t forecast in the weather. After the storm, a selected number of people found out that something had changed and they had special gifts.

Is there an unexpected storm coming? How coincidental is it that I have my dream and then come across the same sort of thing on TV and in a film? What is even more crazy is one of the characters had the same gift as I described when I woke up from my dream. He could see things before they happened.

Is this all a coincidence or is something going to happen?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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