Thursday, 28 May 2020

I said it 16 days before the newspapers did - Boris - "Stay Alert Elite"

The Metro newspaper says “Stay Elite.”

This is because Dominic Cummings the Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister broke the rules of lockdown.

On the 10th May I posted this on Facebook.

This is the part that is interesting what I wrote from that post.

“Now the more I think about what he [Boris] said, I think it is a coded message for the "elite" on when to panic and run to an underground shelter especially as #obamagate is trending over 1.7 million on twitter right now. I'm believing Boris's "Level 5 warning" is openly letting the elite know that when it hits 5,

"The sh!t has hit the fan. The public are about to find out the truth. RUN AND HIDE."

Then 16 days later the press are saying something similar because Dominic Cummings broke the rules. 

One rule for the public and another rule for the elite.

I rarely ever watch TV and haven’t seen the TV news in a long while. If someone doesn’t tell me something has changed or happened then I won’t know. Sometimes something catches my eye on twitter.

Boris’s slogan is

Stay Alert
Control The Virus
Save Lives

Now watch this 2 minute clip.

Now you have seen that clip, that slogan that Boris talked about seems more true in this form.

Stay Alert (Stay Alert Elite)

Control The Virus (Control The Public)

Save Lives (Save your lives Elite by not getting caught)

If you want to really see what has been going on, you are not going to believe what you hear in this documentary. I’m speechless. Former POLICE MEN speak out. They couldn't hold it back anymore.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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