Thursday, 25 July 2019

Federal Death Penalty Brought Back!


Is this a sign that the reaper is walking the earth like I said?
The US Attorney General William Barr has ordered the reinstatement of the federal death penalty.

There’s far more to this decision than we realise right now. We will see why later.

Even though this is in the US, is this sending out a sign to the world that the reaper, just as I had claimed, walks the earth now? He walks in the dimension that most people cannot see. I’m guessing that he will trigger people to change laws so the human traffickers, grotesque torturers and murderers get the death penalty.

The report may seem like it is just for those already on death row but I don't think so. I think this decision was triggered because of what is going to be revealed to the public about certain individuals.

More people are waking up now.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

I’ve Woken Up Incredible – see link

Friday, 19 July 2019

OMG Its All Coming Out Now!

Look how fast things are being revealed!

This shocked me.

After you listen to this, can there be a 2020 US election?


As an outside observer the magnitude of what is revealed in the video surely means voting manipulation in favour of one candidate over another must lead to prison time for a number of top people?

In the new track I released on 16th July 2019 called 

“I’ve Woken Up Incredible”

I wrote the lyrics

“The giant hammer of justice has come/ they can try and hide/ but there’s nowhere to run.”

Take note that I finished writing this song at the end of June 2019 when the lyrics were recorded, and released it on the 16th July.

And now just one day after the release of my song two unexpected things have happened. El Chapo gets a life sentence, and, it has been revealed that Hillary Clinton’s number 1 campaign donor for the 2016 election was the parent company of Google. WOW.

Let’s see how the giant hammer of justice deals with this incredible situation.

The day before these two events were made public, on the 16th July 2019 I wrote this on Facebook

 Part of this post says,

“We are living in a time where things are going to be revealed that some people will find hard to accept. 
You do realise you have been lied to most of your life? It's horrible finding out the truth. I've been there too.
A lot of people are going to be angry when they find out they have been lied to by the system they believe in and fight for. After your anger comes the healing and the truth.

Now look, a day later this video about google and Hillary Clinton was published.

What new revelations are we going to hear about next?

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

Listen to K STONE'S new single called "I've Woken Up Incredible" in the post at this link

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Justice! In less than 24 hours what I posted has come true

Justice! In less than 24 hours what I posted has come true.

That was fast!

Yesterday on the 16th July 2019 I released a song called 

“I’ve Woken Up Incredible”

at this link

In the track I wrote,

“The giant hammer of justice has come.”

Less than 24 hours later I see online that El Chapo was given a life sentence plus 30 years.

You may say “yes that is big justice” because this billionaire drug lord has been caught and sentenced.

But why this is so big is because I saw somewhere that since his capture El Chapo, if this is true, has been mentioning the names of US politicians and other people he was involved with. 

That’s huge!

As he has given these names is it possible that he will be called to testify against them? I don’t know if a prisoner can testify but who knows what will happen? Will his sentence get reviewed and reduced if he testifies against them?

So less than 24 hours and the hammer of justice has come.

Remember it was last year I began talking about the old Russian flag with the hammer and sickle. Now you can see that it was a sign that the giant hammer of justice and reaping has come.

Who could be next and how soon?

Again something I have said has come true in a short space of time.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

I’ve Woken Up Incredible

The 16th July 2019 full moon and lunar eclipse marks the day of transition... the huge shift.

[NOTE: If you are uncomfortable about the eye in the triangle see the meaning of it at the link at the end of this post. We have been misled for years]

To recognise and celebrate the change I’ve released a new track called

“I’ve Woken Up Incredible.”

You can listen to the new single by going to this link.

If you are a regular reader to my blogs you will realise, like I have just realised, that all what I posted in the past was building up to this point in time. After this day, 16th July 2019, more people have woken up.

My music is not just entertainment. My tracks and words have been inspired by things that have either happened to me or have been revealed to me.

These are the track lyrics for “I’ve Woken Up Incredible.”


I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible

 is the door inside you
It’s time for you to just be you
It’s time to yawn and stretch too
The time is now ready for you ready for you ready for you

I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible

Fe Fi Fo Fum the giant hammer of justice has come
They can try and hide (try and hide)
But there’s nowhere to run (nowhere to run)
You think the world was gonna stay the same forever?
Now warriors rise, take by force, raptor

I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible

Zion Awake
Zion Awake
Zion Awake
Awake and trim your lamp

I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible


I’ve woken up incredible  (incredible)
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible
I’ve woken up incredible

No more asleep, no more hypnotised
3 2 1 AWAKE open your eyes


Listen to the track and get use to it at this link

It's that time to be awake because this planet is starting to get far more interesting, now the shift has happened, than what we have already seen.

The t-shirt and artwork for this new track is out now in K STONE’S store.


There is no more need to wait for an awakening. 

"Ive Woken Up Incredible" track link

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

If you are feeling uncomfortable about the eye in the triangle I explain how we have been misled about it at this link

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Love Island is Horrible

Today I watched a show called “Love Island.” I saw an episode years ago but forgot what it was about. 

After watching this episode on the 14th July 2019, I have come to believe that the people engrossed by that show who watch it regularly could possibly be far away from a world/mindset than others and I.

The show was producing bad energy with horrible scenarios. 

The emotional heartbreak and low self worth feeling the contestants go through is brutal.

From seeing that episode, Love Island is energy pollution to the human body and mind. 

I won’t be watching that again in a hurry.

I think it was this year that a former contestant of the show committed suicide making them the second contestant who has died this way some time after the show.

While I was watching the show it felt like “energy parasites” eating away at my skin as I felt an uncomfortable tingle around my body.

 I’m not saying anyone who watches Love Island or the contestants are bad people. Everyone is entitled to watch whatever they want.

From my experience today, I would say some kind of “energy beings” are feeding off the viewers. It’s not a nice feeling at all as I can still feel it even after an hour after the show finished.

If people want to change the way they feel, I’d suggest being aware of the type of things you watch.

What you watch can affect the way you see life and how you respond to others.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

K STONE on Facebook

Thursday, 11 July 2019

DREAM: New Earth Forming Now

This is a dream I had on the 5th July 2019. I wasn’t going to share it until I saw this video that showed two spider like clouds on the 10th July.  This made me realise I had to share my dream.

See the quick 13 seconds video at this link and listen to what she says.

The dream began with me walking up the stairs in my home. I saw a spider splattered on the stairs then another one squashed dead on another step. I thought this was odd.

I continued up the stairs and saw two people in my home. I didn’t know who they were but it seemed (in the dream) that they were supposed to be there.

One of them was trying to kill another spider that was walking backwards and forwards. The spider had its back to me as it seemed to know I would not harm it. The person then stopped trying to kill it as I was there.

 I watched as the spider suddenly morphed a little tiny silver liquid mercury sword from one of its right legs and held it up like a crab’s claw.


The spider then threw the sword towards the person who was in front of it but the little sword landed about 12 inches (30cm) away from the spider.

Then the little sword morphed into liquid silver and transformed into a little silver elephant that was about 2 inches (5cm) high.

Then from the left side of the spider another sword morphed out of its leg that was in the air like a crab's claw and threw that one also which landed only about 12 inches in front of the spider.

The little sword morphed into another little elephant that was about 2 inches high. The two elephants stayed the colour of liquid silver.

Then (if I rightly remember) under the two tiny elephants a liquid silver base that was about 12 inches by 12 inches wide and flat appeared. Both elephants were inside the area of the 12 inch (30cm) x 12 inch (30cm) flat liquid silver surface that was on the floor in my home.

Then a tiny 2 inch tiger formed from out of the 12 x 12 flat silver surface, then another tiger appeared.  

Just after they appeared so did little buildings of different sizes and other miniature animals. The two other people and I just watched this peaceful little silver city morph form out of the 12 x 12 inch liquid silver base.

Little Silver City

Then a thought came to me that this symbolised a new earth. Then I woke up.


When I woke up I thought about it. As the little city was on the floor in my home I wondered if this meant the new earth begins its transformation from our homes. The new earth begins from the home and it is happening now.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

New K STONE track “I’ve Woken Up Incredible” out soon.

K STONE on Facebook

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

MSN Fulfils My Post About Europe Just One Month Later

I signed out of Outlook on 10th July 2019, and on the MSN home page I saw an article titled,

“The First Europeans Weren’t Who You Might Think”

On the 8th June 2019, just ONE MONTH EARLIER I made a post called,

"Mysterious Black Man and Woman Revealed In Champions League Final - Will The Popes Die?"

The UEFA Champions League Final and UEFA Europa Final revealed in an unexpected way, a mysterious black man and woman. I showed how they are linked to Europe.

In the MSN article it mentions the early Europeans came from Africa.

I revealed something before the mainstream media did a month in advance.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

New track from K STONE titled, "I've Woken Up Incredible" coming soon!

K STONE on Facebook

My Books Are Back On Amazon

  My books on amazon Chapter 5 of  "This Love Is Real" has shocked people. This Love is Real...