Thursday, 18 January 2018

WOW Synchronicity in 16 Hours - Depression Update

Look what happened less than 16 hours after my post.

In the blog called “why are more men and women suffering from depression” I mentioned this:

"On 9th January 2018 I was in a large well known supermarket in the UK. As I walked up to the cashiers to pay for my groceries I heard their conversation. One woman said,

“I am depressed and I have been depressed for some time.” 
“Yeah…” said the other cashier."

Less than 16 hours later, I saw that SAME supermarket in the news. Why? They angered customers with changes to their store cards.

In the BBC report it said:

As soon as Tesco said it was cutting some of its Clubcard rewards, customers started venting their anger. "Kick people while they're down," said one. Another called it a "blow" after saving up the vouchers for two years."
What are the chances of that happening less than 24 hours after I posted about two of Tesco’s staff complaining about being depressed, then the next day a report that the supermarket angered customers has come out? This could then cause depression in the customers who have been saving up their vouchers to use under the previous terms.

It sounds like there is an agenda to cause people to be depressed. 

When I was listening to the radio today I heard a caller call in and say to a politician,

"...You promised to build affordable housing and when the houses were built, the prices were over 200,000 pounds. The locals cannot afford that. You built these houses where people cannot afford to buy these houses as they are on minimum wage."

Doesn't all this seem so ridiculous? Why are the lower paid put in stressful situations to live out their lives in depression? Why can't these politicians take the burden off the lower paid working class' shoulders so they can enjoy their time on this earth?

You politicians and unfair rich business owners are greedy, disturbed and cruel. A shake up on this planet needs to happen, and most of these politicians need to lose their jobs for taking from the less fortunate while they live in luxury.


When I write sometimes some kind of conformation usually shows up in weeks, days and in the case of Tesco, in hours.

You can read my post about depression at this link

You can read the BBC's report about the supermarket, that was posted after my blog, at this link.

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