Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Why Are More Men and Women Suffering From Depression?

On 9th January 2018 I was in a large well known supermarket in the UK. As I walked up to the cashiers to pay for my groceries I heard their conversation. One woman said,

I am depressed and I have been depressed for some time.” 
“Yeah…” said the other cashier.

I can’t remember all what was said. They both had jobs but both unhappy with life.

A few days later, I saw in the distance a group of police standing around someone. I thought they had arrested someone. An ambulance arrived and the ambulance crew walked a few steps ahead of me. As I walked past I heard a policeman give the medical staff a run-down on what happened. I heard him say

“She has a deep cut in her wrist.”

As I was walking I looked over and saw a female sitting outside a restaurant at the restaurant table with the police standing there around her. I could see that someone had got to her and wrapped bandages around both her wrists going right up near to her elbow.

From how the police were, it came across like she had slit her own wrists. It was a strange aura around the situation. All the police who where there were all quiet as the woman sat at the table. They all stood looking at her in silence.

As I am writing this, I’ve just realized it was all women over the last few days who were suffering. I know men suffer depression too. It’s just that I have notice with the two cases that women were suffering.

As a man, I have never thought of this before... Are females being affected and losing their identity or purpose because of transgender and gay men, or other orientations, classing themselves as women?

How do women feel about their gender being hijacked by males who want to be called women?

Is society being forced to accept new ideas that cause the loss of a balance of knowing where we all stand?


I just realized in that same week I watched a TV show called “Working Class White Men.” The program was showing how a number of English white males felt like a stranger in England. This seemed to cause some of them to join a far right “race hate” organization against non English born people.

Who is causing many people to feel depressed or have a lack of identity and purpose? Is the answer, WE ALL ARE?

Whatever the media tries to force on the population you have your individual opinion to refuse what you are being persuaded to accept. Just say NO to what you don’t agree with. 

To conform to something you don’t agree with can cause depression.

On an update some months later to see how things were, one of the males who went on a march with the far right organization stopped being involved with them. He realised that people are people regardless of what colour they are. He also found love.

With him finding a girl to love, his life changed. He looked different and had a kind of glow to him.

Remember, you have the final say with what choices you make.

In conclusion:

Women, give men a chance, and men give women a chance. 

The suffering is real! 

Along with what is being constantly shown in the media, if you play emotional games with a person who is interested in you then you may be hurting someone who is genuine (causing depression), and you may end up destroying your own life in the long term (karma). 

“They” seem to want men and women to suffer mentally. Give each other a chance and you may find love.



WOW Synchronicity in 16 Hours - Depression Update

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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