Friday 26 January 2018

Disturbing Dream Hours After Super Bowl Prediction - 2018


I had a disturbing dream a few hours after my post “2018 Super Bowl – Weird Coincidences Found Before The Game.”

This is the dream.

I was at a sporting venue with a friend sitting way back high in the stadium. My friend wanted to move down closer to the action to the front from where we were sitting. For some reason I let my friend go up further but I left the building.

I was then walking on a path. I was just about to walk past a church when I heard a ringing sound come from the church. The bell rang for one second then a space of one second then rang again. It was doing this constantly. I felt that it was a bad sign.

Then I saw a shiny black car pull out of the church. I instantly knew it was the queen’s car. I believe she was inside. Then a black hearse followed behind the queen's car. The hearse was empty and had no coffin inside.

Then two or three more black shiny cars followed the hearse.

I walked past the church and past another building. When I turned the corner to walk up that path I saw a line of about 100 British army soldiers in camouflage uniform moving quickly, not walking or jogging but moving at some speed in between.

I said “What’s going on?” They didn't understand me as they were Gurkas and spoke their own language. As I walked further on I saw more troops. I could sense that something strange was in the atmosphere. 

I then saw a female, around 25 years old, running in a different direction. I wondered where she was running to so I ran in that direction.

After a while I stopped running and started walking. Then I saw a German military car with a machine gun on top driving towards my direction. 

As he drove slowly passed, we looked at each other. He then started firing his machine gun at me. I thought, “what the hell…” and hurdled over the shots he fired. After he passed he had a sense of he wasn't bothered if he killed me or not. He just kept on his journey.

Throughout the dream the roads were empty. The only vehicles moving I saw were the queen’s entourage and that German soldier who shot at me.

I kept on walking and saw an elderly couple sitting in a red car that was parked. The car had the roof down. I then saw another German soldier with a machine gun. He started shooting at me so I ran and hid behind the red car. The German soldier came around the side of the car looking for me but somehow I disappeared without him knowing how I escaped. I even didn't know how I escaped either. He stood talking to the couple in the red car.

 I walked down a road and looked down an alleyway where there was a pub. Outside the pub stood about 70 British soldiers all in camouflage uniform. (I forgot to mention, all the British soldiers never had guns throughout this dream.) I walked closer to where they were all standing around outside the pub. Then right above where we stood a German fighter helicopter hovered facing us. I heard one of the soldiers say, 

“I bet that helicopter fires a missile at us.”

When he said that, I thought this was no place for me to be. I left where they all were standing. They stood looking up at the helicopter.

I then thought I need food. I went into a Chinese takeaway but at the counter it looked like they were closed as there was no light so I turned to leave. Then 2 female soldiers came into the takeaway, walked past me and approached the counter. They asked if they could have some food. Then from behind the curtain a Chinese lady cautiously came out and agreed to give them food. I guess the Chinese lady knew about the German military presence in the town.

I left the takeaway and carried on walking down a road.

That’s all I can remember.
---End of Dream---

It felt like the British army in the town had no weapons and were useless to fight the Germans who had all the fire-power at their disposal.

The dream was so real. If something kicks off like this for real, most people are going to not know how to handle it. Even the British soldiers seemed unable to think for themselves as they had no one telling them what to do or where to go. I went into survival mode and somehow miraculously escaped bullets shot at me on two occasions.

Why did my dream come a few hours after the positive Super bowl prediction? Maybe patriotism and brotherly love will have to happen in case a scenario of what took place in my dream happens.

Fix Society
UK Music Producer

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