Tuesday, 30 March 2021

He Almost Sold His Soul To The Devil - Bamboo


Just before you see the video of Bamboo who almost sold his soul to the devil, I will give you a quick update on changes I have noticed.

It has only been a few short weeks when I said that I had a vision of the Goat (Goat of Mendes) that stood at my right hand and it was said It’s time to pay their dues.” People who used the Goat to do evil deeds to get what they wanted out of life have to face the consequences of the deal they made.


It was also for those who took from me by way of black magic and other forms of witchcraft. Even though it is hard to believe unless you know about these things, my health and wealth and opportunities were stolen energetically from me. I researched for many years why things kept happening to me and I found my answers. 

There have been signs that the Goat has been collecting because I have noticed unusual good fortune come my way.


I never sold my soul and I have nothing to do with the Goat. I just get visions and signs showing me things. It seems like the expiry date on what was done to me is coming to an end or has ended.

I have noticed energetic changes within me. It's all good news.

The video I would like you to take time out and listen to is of an interview with a rapper called Bamboo. He will give you shocking insight into how some people make it in the music industry and the unexpectedly weird way how he got out. HE NAMES NAMES of famous people you know of.

 Sit back and listen to the other side of the music industry that most would never believe existed.



I already shared his wife’s experience on Facebook. Her experience is shocking too. So those who thought I was crazy for years, now you can see that I am not the only one talking about this stuff.




Fix Society


UK Music Producer


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