Tuesday, 16 March 2021

7 Days Then Death? Or Something Else Happens?

 Ok, fb keeps stopping people from seeing my links. This is what I posted on facebook:


Something weird has happened. On the 15th March 2021 I was in the shower. As my eyes were closed, in the darkness I could see a white ring with black around it and black in the centre of it. I thought to myself, “What is that? Why am I seeing that?”
Some hours later on the 16th March, I was watching this talk by Duncan Davis that was uploaded on the 15th March. He mentioned a website that showed the trailer for “The Ring.”
In the trailer it says, “If you see the ring, you die in 7 days.” I was like, “hang on, that was like the ring I saw in the shower with my eyes closed.”
You know I get signs.
So does this mean my time is up and I will be dead soon? Or will the silver angel do what I was told it would do, and that is if anyone comes to harm me, the silver angel will deal with them?
I’ve never heard of this movie before.
So if it means I’m going to die, I’ll see you on the other side. If not, the enemy who is supposed to come for me will be taken out by the silver angel and they will be received by Leviathan.
I have already said that I have shared things that were not supposed to be said. The thing is, the safest thing for my enemy to do is to not focus on me at all. Why? Because if something did happen to me, eventually what would happen to you will be far worse. So if you are my enemy ignore me, then you will have a better chance in life.
Also, people have been sending me videos in private messages and the videos disappear so I don’t get to see them. I know my stuff is being monitored.

Anyway, if it’s time, then I’ll see you in the next world. And if they say it is suicide it’s a lie. I’m not committing suicide.
This is the trailer I saw hours later after I saw the ring when I was in the shower with my eyes closed. It is so similar.

And in closing, in the words of Bounty Killer, “Big up my friends and fuck up all my enemies.

This lightworker stuff is not for the weak.

Fix Society

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